Browse Items (9 total)

  • Date is exactly "1961"

Photo of the Parsons Corporation's Detroit plant.

Photo of the Parsons Corporation's Detroit plant.

RG 2_10 RecordsPresidential NewmanWalterS B21F17 1961 Danville CommCollege.pdf
This pdf file contains the entirety of Box 21, Folder 17 from the
President Walter S. Newman Records (RG 2/10).

RG 6_1 Records VP Admin CassellStuart B11F45 1961 ExtensionSchools_Danville_Norfolk_Roanoke.pdf
This pdf file contains the entirety of Box 11, Folder 45 from the Vice President Stuart Cassell Records (RG 6/1).

Two pictures combined onto one paper, both show different parts of New River Feed & Lumber Co., Written on the picture "New River Feed and Lumber Co- 1961"

Xerox'd photo of the street view of Blacksburg Motor Co. with the caption "Blacksburg Motor Co- 1961"

Outside picture of Blacksburg Highschool in 1961
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