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  • Rights is exactly "Permission to publish material from Cordie Cheek Papers must be obtained from Special Collections, Virginia Tech."

Two interviews of Dixie Stone, Fate Cheek, and Dr. Alva W. Taylor about the events of Cordie Cheek's lynching. They discuss the men who were looking for Cordie and the family members they violently interrogated to find him.

Interview with James L. Garret. Garret was hauling hay in a truck when he was stopped by the mob and he witnessed the lynching of Cordie Cheek.

Summary of the events from the assault allegation to the kidnapping and the lynching. Includes the grand jury of the case.

Official report by Dr. Arthur Raper. Focuses on events leading up to the lynching and the public response in Maury County.

Extensive summary of the event where A. E. Barnett interviewed several men involved in the Cordie Cheek case.

Report of events after the Cordie Cheek lynching.
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