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  • Source is exactly "<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">See the finding aid for the Culinary Ephemera Collection</a>"

Ms2013-028_B1F13_Fellows Medical Monthly.pdf
An edition of a monthly medical pamphlet from 1879 detailing the "rules for the sick," from how to care for them to what to feed them.

Ms2013-028_B1F13_Physicians Essentials.pdf
An advertising pamphlet of drugs considered "Physicians Essentials." The booklet ends with the ways druggists can order drugs from the manufacturer.

Ms2013-028_B1F13_Non Multum Sed Multa.pdf
An advertising pamphlet for Kola-Cardinette in the form of an illustrated story. The booklet also includes timelines relating to medical history.

Ms2013-028_B1F13_Jaundice Bitters_001.jpg
An advertisement for bitters used to treat jaundice, weakness of the stomach, and general debility

Ms2013-028_B1F13_Indian Root Pills_001.jpg
An advertisement for "Indian Root Pills" depicting a Native man on a horse. The medicine is described as "The great blood purifier."

An advertisement for a medicine to treat "all diseases originating in impure blood." The ad states that the medicine can be used for illnesses such as sores, ulcers, rheumatism, and sciatica.

An advertising booklet for a patent medicine used to treat indigestion, nervousness, and physical and mental exhaustion. The back describes the medicine as "a tonic for the weak and debilitated."

A trade card for a cholera cure depicting on one side an artistic rendering of a woman grieving over Lincoln's grave, with soldiers in either corner.
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