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  • Source is exactly "<a href="" target="_blank">See the finding aid for the Robert E. Marshak Papers.</a>"

Telegram from J. Robert Oppenheimer to Robert E. Marshak informing him that he will be in Europe on May 8, 1963, to speak to Marshak or "Eklund."

Telegram dated February 20, 1967, from Ruth and Robert E. Marshak to Kitty Oppenheimer offering condolences for the passing of her husband J. Robert Oppenheimer.

The February 19, 1987 report on the council delegation visit to the U. S. S. R. from February 2 through February 6 contains remarks from the delegation members--Peter G. Peterson, Henry A. Kissinger, and Cyrus R. Vance--to the Council on Foreign…

Group photo of Robert E. Marshak (first row, fourth from right) and the members of the Chinese chemistry delegation in 1977.

Photograph of an unidentified woman talking to someone out of shot.

Photocopy of a photo of an unidentified man stitting outside writing in a notebook in front of the Rush Rhees Library at the University of Rochester.

Photocopy of a group photo of participants at a conference.

Photograph of an unidentifed building. There are several people and cars outside the house.

Photocopy of a photo of an unidentified group of men at a conference.

Photograph of three unidentified men outside talking. Two of the men are sitting on a bench and the other (possibly Robert E. Marshak?) is standing.

Photograph of three unidentifed men meeting and sitting at a table.

Photo of the men who participated in the Shelter Island Conference, which occured in June of 1947.

Photograph of Ruth Marshak (left), an unidentified woman (center), and Robert E. Marshak (right) posing for the photograph.

Photograph of Ruth Marshak (second from left), Robert E. Marshak (second from right), and two unidentified people at a dinner table.

Photograph of Ruth Marshak (left), Robert E. Marshak (second from left), and two unidentified people talking.

Photograph of Ruth Marshak talking with an unidentified man.

Photograph of Ruth Marshak (center) talking with two unidentified people.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (standing, third from right) and Ruth Marshak (sitting, right) and an unidentified group of people at a dinner event.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (left), Joseph W. Watson (second from left), and two unidentified people at award presentation. In another photo, the award of the recipient second from right says "COHEN" [rest illegible] and the award of the…

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak, presumably working in his office.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak talking with several unidentified people around a board room table.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak talking to a group of unidentified people around a board room table.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak sitting and talking at a table.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak sitting and talking at a table.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (third from right) talking to a group of unidentified men.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak sitting in a chair talking on a telephone.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak sitting.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak sitting at a table. He appears to be in a meeting.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak sitting at a dinner table, possibly at a Jewish ceremony. Marshak appears to be wearing a yarmulke, and matzah is on the table. Another person, possibly wearing a kittel, is standing and appears to be speaking as…

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (second from right) recieving a gift of a rose from an unidentified person among a group of other unidentified people.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak receiving doctoral hood at the City University of New York. Marshak received an honorary Doctor of Science degree from CUNY's Graduate School and University Center at its June 1979 commencement. He also received an…

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (right) presenting a diploma to an unidentified person in front of a sign that says "1974". This ceremony is probably from City College of New York.

Photograph of a Marshak (right) presenting an award to an unidentified man, possibly in a hospital room. In another photo, the award appears to have the seal of the City College of New York on it.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (second from left) introducing Ruth Marshak (left) to two unidentified people.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak in a classroom standing in front of chalkboards with equations written on them.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak is a professional headshot.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak giving a speech at an award ceremony for unidentified sitting down, possibly in a hospital room. Another unidentified man watches the ceremony. In another photo, the award appears to have the seal of the City College…

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (left) giving an award to an unidentified person.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (4th from left) and an unidentified group of people sitting around a table at a meeting

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (3rd from right) and five unidentifed people sitting around a table at a meeting.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (4th from left) and an unidentified group of people meeting and sitting around a table.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (second from left) and several unidentified people meeting around a table.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (right) at a graduation ceremony probably at the City College of New York. Marshak is at the podium, shaking hands with an unidentified person as others watch on and clap. They are standing in front of part of a sign…

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (left) at a graduation ceremony with two unidentified people. He is standing to the side of the podium watching one of them give an address. It is likely taking place at City College of New York.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (right) at a graduation ceremony. Marshak is standing at the podium watching someone receiving their doctoral hood. They are standing in front of a partial sign reading "L[e]ge", probably for the City College of New…

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (left) holding a plaque at an award ceremony with two unidentified people.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (right) posing with an unidentified woman for the photo.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (left) talking to an unidentified woman at a dinner table.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (left) and an unidentified man posing. The two men are wearing graduation robes, and Marshak's robe contains the seal of the City College of New York.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (left) and an unidentified man. The two are wearing graduation robes, and Marshak's robe contains the seal of the City College of New York.
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