Source is exactly "<a href="" target="_blank">See the finding aid for the Robert E. Marshak Papers.</a>"
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (second from right) talking with an unidentified man at a dinner table with other unidentified people sitting beside them.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (left) talking with an unidentified man while sitting at a dinner table. Marshak is wearing a City University of New York pin.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (left) and an unidentified man shaking hands after presentation of the award, which appears to have the seal of the City College of New York on it.
Photographs of Robert E. Marshak (right) and two unidentified people. The woman in the center is lecturing to others. Meeting seems to be taking place in a public library or school library in New York City. The photo is undated, but likely from the…
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (left) talking with two unidentified people. In another photo of this event, Marshak is wearing a City University of New York pin.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (center) with two unidentified men, all wearing graduation robes and posing for the photograph. Marshak's robe contains the seal of the City College of New York.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (right) and two unidentifed men in doctoral robes. One of the men (left) is presenting the recipient in the center with a medal that has the seal of the City College of New York on it.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (center) and two unidentified men at a graduation ceremony posing for a photograph. The ceremony is likely at City College of New York.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (right) and three unidentified people at a formal event. The group is talking and Marskak is shaking hands with one of the unidentified people.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (second from left) and three unidentified people, probably a father and his two teenage children. The group is standing on a balony posing for the camera. The photo was printed in June 1971.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (second from left) and three unidentified men. One of the men appears to be showing Marshak a piece of equipment, and another man is wearing a lab coat with the initials "A.E.C."
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (sitting, fourth from left) and seven unidentified people, one of whom is standing behind the rest talking at a podium.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (third from right) and seven unidentified people. One woman standing in the middle appears to be lecturing to the group. Meeting seems to be taking place in a public library or school library in New York City. The…
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (right) and four unidentified men, mostly in tuxedos, posing for the photograph. Two of the men are holding certificates.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (left) and an unidentified man talking at the 9th General Assembly of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), which was in Rome, Italy, from September 17th through the 20th, 1957. Description about…
Photograph of Dr. Joseph W. Watson (left) with two other individuals talking and admiring their awards, which have their names and the seal of the City College of New York on them. The award of the recipient in the center says "COHEN" [rest…
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak standing next to a podium at the City College of New York Alumni Banquet. Marshak is talking with an unidentified group of people.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak standing behind the podium at the City College of New York Alumni Banquet. A banner in the background says "[C]CNY Alumni Association". There are several unidentified people clapping and listening.
Photograph of an unidentified group of people at the C. E. K. Mees Observatory at the University of Rochester. The photo is by Linn Duncan of Pittsford, New York.
Photograph of an unidentified group of people at an unknown location for a ground breaking ceremony. Symbols on their hard hats resemble the seal of the City College of New York.
Letter, dated November 2, 1948, from Sol M. Linowitz to J. Robert Oppenheimer discussing arrangements for Oppenheimer's upcoming adress at the Rochester Insitute of International Affairs.
Affidavit filled out by H. Halban of the National Research Council of Canada (Montreal Laboratory) for Robert E. Marshak for the Selective Service System in 1943. Halban lists Marshak's duties as performing "secret war research work in specialized…
Letter (photocopy) from Robert E. Marshak to Richard P. Feynman thanking him for a previous letter from a conference in Kyoto, Japan, probably referring to Feynman's August 17, 1985 letter acknowledging the contributions of Feynman, Marshak, E. C.…