Source is exactly "<a href="" target="_blank">See the finding aid for the Robert E. Marshak Papers.</a>"
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (right) and four unidentified men, mostly in tuxedos, posing for the photograph. Two of the men are holding certificates.
Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (sitting, fourth from left) and seven unidentified people, one of whom is standing behind the rest talking at a podium.
Thank you letter, dated October 8, 1952, from Enrico Fermi to Robert E. Marshak. Fermi is thanking Marshak for sending him a note on s-wave scattering and including his own thoughts on the issue.
Letter, dated May 5, 1954, from Robert E. Marshak to Enrico Fermi discussing some problems that Marshak had noticed in regards to lectures that they were giving at "Les Houches", which is probably a reference to École de Physique des Houches (the…
Letter, dated May 11, 1954, from Enrico Fermi to Robert E. Marshak in response to Marshak's previous letter dated May 5, 1954. The letter is about how a lecture topic will be presented to others.
Letter, dated May 24, 1954, from Enrico Fermi to Robert E. Marshak in response to a previous letter from Marshak dated May 17, 1954. Fermi is expressing his agreement with Marshak about how they will divide their lecture topics.
Letter, dated May 17, 1957, from Robert E. Marshak to Enrico Fermi about a previous letter from Fermi dated May 11, 1954. Marshak is discussing lecture topics for a future conference.
Letter, dated November 2, 1948, from Sol M. Linowitz to J. Robert Oppenheimer discussing arrangements for Oppenheimer's upcoming adress at the Rochester Insitute of International Affairs.
Telegram, dated October 27, 1947, from J. Robert Oppenheimer to Frédéric Joliot-Curie informing them that he would not be able to attend the ceremony to honor Ernest Rutherford, Lord Rutherford.
Letter, dated October 18, 1949, from J. Robert Oppenheimer to Robert E. Marshak. Oppenheimer writes about the Rose-Morrison Affair, meeting with Marshak, and other topics.
Letter from Hans A. Bethe to Robert E. Marshak, dated July 25, 1939, and discussing a manuscript that Marshak had sent. Bethe is offering advice to Robert E. Marshak about his paper and publication.
Letter from Hans A. Bethe to Robert E. Marshak, dated December 12, 1940, and congratulating him on a prize that he had won. Bethe also asked several questions about the paper that had won the prize.
Letter from Hans A. Bethe to Robert E. Marshak, dated April 13, 1944, and responding to a previous letter from Marshak. Bethe is expressing happiness about something that Marshak had said in that previous letter.
Letter from Hans A. Bethe to Robert E. Marshak, dated April 25, 1944, and responding to a previous letter from Marshak accepting a position under Bethe. The letter goes in to some specifics of the position. The position that the letter is reffering…
An undated letter from Hans A. Bethe to Robert E. Marshak about a paper that Marshak had sent to him. Bethe is giving advice to Robert E. Marshak about his writing and asking questions about some of the math in the paper.