Browse Items (8 total)

  • Subject is exactly "Occupational physicians"

Picture of the Central Hotel Building at Yellow Sulphur Springs. Four-story building with a covered porch, surronded by woods

People crowd around the entrance of Montgomery County Hospital to watch a speech at the dedication of the hospital

Dr. Wilson Cushing sits in a horse drawn carriage outside of someones residence before he makesa house call.

Picture of Valley View Hospital in 1907, nurses and patrons stand on the covered porch of the building

Six people operating on a patient in the Valley View Hospital operating room in Radford, VA

Old black automobile with a man sitting behind the wheel parked infront of a Harvey Black's house on the corner of Washington & Main St. in Blackburg VA

A letter to Dr. Wilmer Hodgson asking him to resign as mill doctor for Fries.

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A letter from Herbert Neisser, MD, inquiring about a position at the mill.
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