Browse Items (93 total)

  • Type is exactly "Administrative records"

PDF of full insurance survey of the buildings of Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia, prepared in 1931 by Charles Lunsford & Sons, Roanoke, Va.; Insurance Company of North America, Philadelphia, Pa.; and F. Wharton Baker, engineer.…

Accounting of names and counties and money

A railroad ledger for the Chattanooga & Tennessee River Bridge.

Train Order No. 62, Norfolk and Western Railway Company, Glade Spring, Virginia

Notice of Change in Train Service Narrows, VA, Branch, Radford Divisiion

RG 6_1 Records VP Admin CassellStuart B20F22 1966 CommunityCollege Danville.pdf
This collection contains the entirety of Box 20, Folder 22 from the Vice President Stuart Cassell Records (RG 6/1).

RG 6_1 Records VP Admin CassellStuart B18F12 1965 CommunityCollege Danville.pdf
This pdf file contains the entirety of Box 18, Folder 12 from the Vice President Stuart Cassell Records (RG 6/1).

RG 6_1 Records VP Admin CassellStuart B15F13 1964 CommunityCollege Danville.pdf
This pdf file contains the entirety of Box 15, Folder 13 from the Vice President Stuart Cassell Records (RG 6/1).

RG 6_1 Records VP Admin CassellStuart B13F8 1963 CommunityCollege Danville.pdf
This pdf file contains the entirety of Box 13, Folder 8 from the Vice President Stuart Cassell Records (RG 6/1).

RG 6_1 Records VP Admin CassellStuart B11F45 1961 ExtensionSchools_Danville_Norfolk_Roanoke.pdf
This pdf file contains the entirety of Box 11, Folder 45 from the Vice President Stuart Cassell Records (RG 6/1).

RG 6_1 Records VP Admin CassellStuart B6F31 1949 DanvilleExtension.pdf
This pdf file contains the entirety of Box 6, Folder 31 from the Vice President Stuart Cassell Records (RG 6/1).

RG 6_1 Records VP Admin CassellStuart B6F30 1949 DanvilleExtension.pdf
This pdf file contains the entirety of Box 6, Folder 30 from the Vice President Stuart Cassell Records (RG 6/1).

RG 6_1 Records VP Admin CassellStuart B4F22 1948 Danville Extension.pdf
This pdf file contains the entirety of Box 4, Folder 22 from the Vice President Stuart Cassell Records (RG 6/1).

RG 3_3 Records VP PardueLouisA B2F78 Danville Financial.pdf
This pdf file contains the entirety of Box 2, Folder 78 from the Vice President Louis Pardue Records (RG 3/3).

RG 3_3 Records VP PardueLouisA B2F60 Danville flyer.pdf
This pdf file contains the entirety of Box 2, Folder 60 from the Vice President Louis Pardue Records (RG 3/3).

RG 3_3 Records VP PardueLouisA B2F60 BusinessAdmin.pdf
This pdf file contains the entirety of Box 2, Folder 60 from the Vice President Louis Pardue Records (RG 3/3).

RG 3_3 Records VP PardueLouisA 1960-61 B18F799 Danville Branch.pdf
This pdf file contains the entirety of Box 18, Folder 799 from the Vice President Louis Pardue Records (RG 3/3).

RG 3_3 Records VP PardueLouisA 1960 B16F677 DanvilleBranch-Taylor.pdf
This pdf file contains the entirety of Box 16, Folder 677 from the Vice President Louis Pardue Records (RG 3/3).

RG 3_3 Records VP PardueLouisA 1959 B14F552 DanvilleBranch-Taylor.pdf
This pdf file contains the entirety of Box 14, Folder 552 from the Vice President Louis Pardue Records (RG 3/3).

RG 3_3 Records VP PardueLouisA 1955-57 B10F341 DeptBusiness flyer.pdf
This pdf file contains the entirety of Box 10, Folder 341 from the Vice President Louis Pardue Records (RG 3/3).

RG 3_3 Records VP PardueLouisA 1955-57 B10F341 DanvilleBranch flyer.pdf
This pdf file contains the entirety of Box 10, Folder 341 from the Vice President Louis Pardue Records (RG3/3).

RG 3_3 Records VP PardueLouisA 1955-57 B10F341 Danville Branch.pdf
This pdf file contains the entirety of Box 10, Folder 341 from the Vice President Louis Pardue Records (RG3/3).

RG 3_1 Newman VP Records B1F53 1946 ExtensionBranch.pdf
This pdf file contains the entirety of Box 1, Folder 53 from the
Vice President Walter S. Newman Records (RG 3/1).

RG 2_10 RecordsPresidential NewmanWalterS B21F17 1961 Danville CommCollege.pdf
This pdf file contains the entirety of Box 21, Folder 17 from the
President Walter S. Newman Records (RG 2/10).

RG 2_10 RecordsPresidential NewmanWalterS B8F9 1953 Danville Extension.pdf
This pdf file contains the entirety of Box 8, Folder 9 from the
President Walter S. Newman Records (RG 2/10).

RG 2_10 RecordsPresidential NewmanWalterS B2F53 1950 Danville Enrollment.pdf
This pdf file contains the entirety of Box 2, Folder 53 from the
President Walter S. Newman Records (RG 2/10).

RG 2_10 RecordsPresidential NewmanWalterS B2F26 1948 Danville Extension.pdf
This pdf file contains the entirety of Box 2, Folder 26 from the
President Walter S. Newman Records (RG 2/10).

Ms1992_027 Smithey&Boynton Proj843 B20F8 DanvilleExt 1949-50.pdf
This pdf file contains the entirety of Box 20, Folder 8 from the
Smithey & Boynton, Architects & Engineers Records (Ms1992_027).

Ms1992_027 Smithey&Boynton Proj843 B20F7 DanvilleExt 1949-59.pdf
This pdf file contains the entirety of Box 20, Folder 7 from the
Smithey & Boynton, Architects & Engineers Records (Ms1992_027).

This May 16, 1955 document is a report about Piedmont Sanatorium to the board. It discusses the personnel, patients, farm, and finance of the institution during the year.

This 1949 document has general administrative data and numbers about Piedmont Sanatorium operations. It also discusses in-patient, out-patient outreach and patients discharge.

This document includes various handwritten notes about the operations at Piedmont Sanatorium. It also talks about people employed there, and nurses from the nursing program. The document is undated, but likely dates to the 1960s.

This document details and describes the different drugs prescribed to patients at Piedmont Sanatorium, written by Charles W. Scott, M.D., superintendent and medical director, and revised on May 15th, 1963.

086a. Org Chart.jpg
This organizational chart, entitled "Chart No. 2 Proposed Organization of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute by Function 1920-21", show possible organization with the deans of agriculture, engineering, and the college; the commandant; health officer;…

First page of President Eggleston's final report to the Board of Visitors, reporting changes to the school and his resignation, July 1, 1919.

University Council document outlining policy on harrassment, discriminiation, and sexual assault, August 31, 2021.

The February 19, 1901 minutes of the Executive Committee of the VPI Board of Visitors contains the lease to rent the approx. 500 acres of Smithfield (not including the house or the yard) from Mrs. Janis P. Boulware for $1000 per year for five years.

This document show the expenses of Cadet Niemeyer during the 1876-1877 academic session. These include various uniform and living items, as well as payment for classes.

150th_043. JuniorClass1904 Resignation v1.jpg
In 1904 the Junior Class resigned after a fellow cadet was dismissed from the University. The junior class drafted this statement where they said that if the student was not reinstated that they would all resign from the University.

Handwritten financial record for Household of Ruth in Blacksburg, Va

Printed booklet listing membership questions and handwritten answers for the Household of Ruth, the women's organization for the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows. Answers include names, signatures, birth location, age, etc.

Report from the office of A.T. Shirley, District Grand Secretary on the state of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows State of Virginia.

Completed Applicant's Agreement for Tadmore Light Lodge #6184. Signed by John H. Green, Taylor Smith, William Green, J.C. Wade, and Floyd Meade.

Receipt for Odd Fellows Journal subscription stamped "PAID".

Extract of the Biennial Report of A.T. Shirley District Grand Secretary of District Grand Lodge including financial reports.

Notebook of handwritten dues records for Tadmore Light Lodge #6184, including some ephemera between pages.

Notebook of handwritten meeting minutes for Tadmore Light Lodge #6184, including some ephemera between pages.

Loan agreement for $38.50 from Bank of Blacksburg to Tadmore Light Lodge #6189.
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