Military Orders, Restricting use of animals for private purpose and leaves of absence for Teamsters. By order of Brig. Genl. Bonham, Signed: Geo. N. Lay, Head Quarters, Advanced Forces, Army of the Potomac, Fairfax C.H. June 29, 1861 (Ms1992-003)

Dublin Core


Military Orders, Restricting use of animals for private purpose and leaves of absence for Teamsters. By order of Brig. Genl. Bonham, Signed: Geo. N. Lay, Head Quarters, Advanced Forces, Army of the Potomac, Fairfax C.H. June 29, 1861 (Ms1992-003)


From: Head Quarters, Advanced Forces, Army of the Potomac, Fairfax C.H. Regimental Quarter Master will not suffer the animals to be used for private purposes. Leaves of absence will not be granted to Teamsters. By order of Brig. Genl. Bonham, Signed: Geo. N. Lay, June 29, 1861.





Bibliographic Citation

Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: Robert Taylor Preston Papers, Ms1992-003, Special Collections, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Va.