Letter, Phillip M. Church to Charles Steger, Miami, Fl., April 20, 2007 (Ms2008-020)

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Letter, Phillip M. Church to Charles Steger, Miami, Fl., April 20, 2007 (Ms2008-020)


Letter of condolence from Phillip M. Church to Virginia Tech President Charles W. Steger, Jr.





Bibliographic Citation

Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: [identification of item], [box], [folder], Virginia Tech April 16, 2007 Archives of the University Libraries, Ms2008-020, Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va.

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Miami's public research university</br>
APR 25 2007-PRES</br>
by University Relations</br>
Charles Steger</br>
Virginia Tech</br>
210 Burruss Hall</br>
Blacksbury, VA 24061 April 20th, 2007</br>
Dear President Steger:</br>
Please accept these humble sentiments of condolence for the family and friends of the</br>
Virginia Tech community.</br>
The enclosed DVD was a spontaneous gesture on the part of the students in the</br>
"Introduction to Acting/Directing for TV/Film" class. Their words are unprepared and</br>
from the hearts of students to kindred students. The card contains signatures from the</br>
faculty members of the School of Theatre, Dance & Speech Communications.</br>
It is wonderful to see Virginia Tech being given so much support from all over the</br>
country. Lives will eventually heal, but in the meantime accept our thoughts and prayers</br>
to aid in the process of your recovery.</br>
With deepest sympathy,</br>
Phillip M. Church</br>
Associate Professor</br>
Department of Theatre</br>
Florida International University</br>
Department of Theatre and Dance</br>
Wertheim Performing Arts Center</br>
11200 S.W. 8th Street, PAC131 Miami, FL 33199 Tel: (305) 348-2895 Fax: (305) 348-1803 www.fiu.edu/thedan</br>
Florida International University is an Equal Opportunity/Access Employer and Institution TDD via FRS 1-800-955-8771