File #4073: "Ms2011_015_WilsonDiary1913_01_05-06.jpg"

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4th con.

Twenty-four years ago today I was installed as supt of our SS under the pastorate of the Rev. W.H. Hunter, and has been in without intermission ever since “tho” I had served several years before but this is the toughest year I ever had not excusing J.H. Offer's pastorate. in my 1st years I then had nothing to do but conduct affairs Sundays the pastor had no say, about who should be supt. he had to take what the teachers gave him, but since the general Conference has legislated for everything in sight, the pastor has a say who all the officers shall be. I don’t question the good judgment if it was the result of [J.J.?]. —

Example is best when it isn’t ninety-nine per cent. precept


“Who is on the Lord’s side?” Usual services. Wendell was out in his new carriage for 1st time. I have a heavy cold. Home pleasant Ducats meager. — Forty-three years ago to day I married Imogene Peace to her ashes.

Never waste time on gunpowder that has been once shot off


Yet warm. don’t need any fire. Babe Well and growing Powder is no good after it is shot off. “Dead men tells no tales.” — I found myself unable to buy a Diary like I wanted, therefore, I had to utilize this obsolete one changing days & dates. it was given me by Blanche.

