File #4132: "Ms2011_015_WilsonDiary1913_05_01-02.jpg"

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30. Con.

Margaret Grice my 2nd daughter was born 34 years ago this month. she died a few day after her mother aged 4 years, lacking of a few months. — This month I just dont remember the exact date. I was a delegate from our home city. forty six years ago to the first republican state convention. Which met in Richmond in the old first Baptist Church. It was “thru” the influence of the late Geo Teamoh, that I went. — It is common expression — but an untrue one — that “majorities rule” We have a president and congress who represents a minority, but it is law, and we have to submit to it, but it not only so in that case, but every southern state is dominated by a bourbon minority.

A swarm of bees in May is worth a load of hay

ThursMONDAY, May 1

“But the just shall live by his faith” — Clear and pleasant. I rested well last night. me, — B & “B.W” I hope for. — At the office as usual. — The prospects for money is poor.— Card from Wendell. — Evening home.

Inspiration without perspiration is a dried-up sort of genius


“The Inspiration of the almighty giveth them understanding” — Clear and warm. Office as usual and [Bkopt?] — Letter from Blanche, and card to “B.W” Rested good. — Official Board. Peter Shorts died — Bailiff

