File #4137: "Ms2011_015_WilsonDiary1913_05_11-12.jpg"

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10th Con

This time sixty years ago, our home on county street was broken up, my stepfather was sold. and bought by John M. Pullen in Norfolk. and we moved to that city, it was not on this date he was sold, but a little previous, but it was about this date. we moved to Norfolk, and resided on Bute street between. Catherine as it was called then — now Bank and Brewer. It didn’t take me long to get acquainted with boys of may age, or size, but don’t know of any of them living now, “tho” they may be. Forty three years ago, the first colored man was elected to the City Council of this city. Samuel Davis. was the man. —

A fool for luck — until he and his money are parted


“The fool hath said in his heart there is no God.” Clear and cool, usual Services. O[Fs?]. at 3.p.m. — I ate dinner alone. — “Mothers Day” — My rest was good last night, but I miss my wife and babe. — George Saunders died late to night. — Thank the Lord for this day —

The rule of three in company is that one had better get out

MonFRIDAY, May 12

“Hear ye The word which the Lord speaketh unto you” — Clear and cool. I am well, rested good last night, and at the “temple of justice” this a.m. — Still battling alone, humanly speaking. My boys havent even congratulated me on my 70th b.d. — Class 11 & 26. — Sylvia prepared my evening meal.

