File #4189: "Ms2011_015_WilsonDiary1913_08_21-22.jpg"

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20th Con —

Yet I do not complain. thank the good Lord that it is as well with us, as it is. Cooler as the day wears on. Card from pastor, he is at Niagara Falls. I want him back, tho. — Teachers’ meeting, good — My Babe is lively. — Wendell seems much better. I repeat, and I give God the praise — “I want to live above the world.” — I suppose, and I believe, that the Negro, has been the most oppressed people on earth, since the Jews in Egypt, and, are yet oppressed, and why is it so.? The solution of it is far from my ken. We can surmise, and sometimes surmises are inspired. I think our people try to ape the White people too much ie partake of their sins, and rolling them under their tongues as sweet morsels, and we should serve the Lord, because he is the Lord, and requires our service, a single hearted service — Twenty five years ago John C. Asbury, was commonwealth atty. of Norfolk County the only colored man that have ever held it. — Forty one years ago [I] was working in the Navy Yard, and strange to say every man I worked in the “gang” with are dead, or very near every one.

Wit bought is a sight better than wit taught


“But let your communication be Yea, yea, Nay, nay.” — Atmosphere pleasant. skies clear, partly. — I slept all night, babe didnt disturb me. he is 11 months old to day. — We are well. I am at the office — Card from T Flynn. he is at Niagara, too. —

“Ye’re early with your orders,” as the bride said while wedding-marching


“But I say unto you swear not at all.” Very pleasant — Clear, rested well last night. We are well. B “BW” and me. The office, my “Mecca.” My babe is trying to talk. he is not walking alone yet. he walks around chairs etc Blanche seems devoted to him —

