File #4194: "Ms2011_015_WilsonDiary1913_08_31.jpg"

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29th Con

Carelessly broke my long sight glasses, to day. I guess I will have to abandon the things entirely. — Official Board. Cloudy pastor present. — I am none of brightest yet I am not cast out. — This is a test of the democratic party. They say, or said that they were our best friends. Well if such is true, Good Lord deliver us from our friends. But it serves us right, our people ought to have stood by the party, and not Roosevelt. —


Old man Ross, the oldest letter carrier in the Norfolk P.O. forty years, was presented a watch by his associates to day, he is white. — I took a trip to Mt Hermon. Mary S. is quite sick. I remained about an hour and returned home. I met Mrs Sarah Webb. at Lipskings, she is a guest there. — This day 50 years ago I was a slave of Geo W. Grice living temporarily — from a military standpoint — at Company shop N.C. R.R. Alamance Co N.C. —

A bit of aesthetic china in a room is useful to stow burnt marches in


“The just shall live by his faith” Clear and warm. each service was attended. B & “BW” were at S.S. 11.a.m. and 3.p.m. a woman evangelist preached at the latter hour — We are well, and no complaints — Mary S. went to the Protestant Hospital. I pray for her.

