File #4203: "Ms2011_015_WilsonDiary1913_09_17-18.jpg"

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15 Con

I received a souvenir card from Mr. West. who vacating in Havana. — The pastor took charge of his class, and I had none, to come. Their is set in my class that are paying their way, and another set that neither pays nor hardly prays, but neither set testifies for the Lord, hence I have none to come up to the Lord’s House, only sometimes on the Sabbath, to show themselves, and their expensive clothes. — I had a talk with the pastor concerning the orchestra, they, or one of them wants to have his way, and the pastor is almost on the verge of reversing him self. Many “young” men are “rejoicing” in their “youth.”

16. Con

than to get out of it, after once we have fallen into. I know that from experience & keep from the rivers brink and we will never fall in. Moses was willing to give himself for Israel[’s] salvation, like the great intercessor of Calvary fame — Every white person I lived with or served, as a slave 60 years ago and less have long since gone the way of all the earth ie They have slumbered for years in their gra[ves.”] The bloom of the flowers I remember. Th[o] their forms I shall never more see. The [Cold] Chilly Winds of December, stole my flow[ers] my companions from me.” They were no[t] my companions [. . . but my oppressors?]

A man is greater than an institution, but institutions are pretty good, too


“Who is on the Lord’s side?” Clearing a.m. and warmer. Our rest was fair last night. B & “BW.” are about normal. u.w. me. is on our Lords side. The office is my “Mecca” There are disagreeable things, spiritual? no, temporal. We would like to forget. Why?

Time is measured by heart-throbs; but a watch is best to catch trains


“Go, and lead the people.” Cloudy at 9.30. am. Warm. I didn’t sleep good last night. Would to God that this man that is leading this people was in Mississippi — All O.K. at home — If people are tired of me they haven’t long to wait there is

