Department of Biochemistry Oral History Collection (Ms2003-009)

Dublin Core


Department of Biochemistry Oral History Collection (Ms2003-009)


University History


Beginning in October 2001, current and retired Virginia Tech faculty interviewed department heads, faculty, and staff in celebration of the 50th anniversary for the Department of Biochemistry.

This collection consists of oral history recordings, transcripts, photographs, and documentation of those who were involved in the founding and development of the department. Interviews were conducted by Robert Schmidt, Thomas Sitz, John Hess, Ed Bunce, and Lewis Barnett.


Permission to publish material from the Department of Biochemistry Oral History Collection must be obtained from Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech.



Rights Holder

Special Collections and University Archives, University Libraries, Virginia Tech

Collection Items

There are currently no items within this collection.

Collection Tree

  • Department of Biochemistry Oral History Collection (Ms2003-009)