Letter written by George W. Bush to the Virginia Tech Class of 2007

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Letter written by George W. Bush to the Virginia Tech Class of 2007


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The White House Washington May 10, 2007 To the Virginia Tech Class of 2007 In recent weeks, you have reminded people throughout the country and around the world that the strength of America lies in the hearts and souls of our citizens. Your actions in the face of great tragedy demonstrate the power of compassion and the indomitable spirit of a proud and determined university. We will always remember the lives that were taken, and we hold their families and friends in our hearts. Your careers at Virginia Tech have prepared you to forge your own path forward, and the opportunities now before you are limited only by the size of your dreams. I encourage you to take advantage of all you have learned here and treat your degree as the first step in a lifetime of education. Your knowledge, character, and compassion will help shape a more hopeful future for America, and I have confidence in you and in the great contributions you will make to our country. This day of accomplishment would not have been possible without those who have supported you. I applaud the parents of the graduates for the love and guidance they have given their children, and I appreciate the faculty of Virginia Tech for their hard work, strong example, and deep commitment to their students. Laura and I congratulate you, and we send our best wishes. May God bless you all. George Bush


Digital Library and Archives, University Libraries, Virginia Tech

Date Created


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Spatial Coverage

District of Columbia
United States