LGBTQ History at Virginia Tech

Dublin Core


LGBTQ History at Virginia Tech


Sexual minorities
University History


A collection documenting the history of the LGBTQ communities at Virginia Tech.



Collection Items

Lavender Graduation Ceremony program
A program from the first Lavender Graduation Ceremony at Virginia Tech

Underwood Ally of the Year Award
Jo Ann Underwood holding her Ally of the Year Aawrd with Edward Spencer (left) and Mark Weber (right) at the 2014 Lavender Commencement ceremony

Letter, from Vice President William McKeefery to Robert Frye, President of the Gay Alliance, July 22, 1971 (RG 4/2, William McKeefery Records)
A letter from Vice President William McKeefery to Robert Frye, President of the Gay Student Alliance, dated July 22, 1971, in response to Frye's letter to the Dean for Student Programs, dated June 30, regarding the decision not to recognize the Gay…

Letter, from Gay Alliance President Robert A. Frye to Dean for Student Programs, June 30, 1971 (RG 4/2, Records of the Office of the Executive Vice-President, William James McKeefery)
A letter from Gay Student Alliance president Robert A. Frye to Martha Harder, Dean for Student Programs, regarding the University Council decision to not recognize the Gay Alliance as an official student organization, dated June 30, 1971. This…

Memorandum, from Executive Assistant to President T. Marshall Hahn, Jr., Regarding Recognition of the Gay Student Alliance, June 9, 1971 (RG 4/2, Records of the Office of the Executive Vice-President, William James McKeefery)
Memorandum from Executive Assistant to the President and General Council Walter H. Ryland to University President Dr. T. Marshall Hahn, Jr. regarding the Gay Student Alliance, dated June 9, 1971. Included is statement written by Ryland to president…

Final Report of the Task Force on Homosexuality, October 10, 1969 (RG 4/2, Records of the Office of the Executive Vice-President, William James McKeefery)
A Report from the Department of Health, Education and Welfare on homosexuality, dated October 10, 1969. This report was given to Vice President William McKeefery and included in a file with documentation regarding the decision to accept or reject the…

Constitution of the Gay Alliance at Virginia Tech, 1971 (RG 4/2, Records of the Office of the Executive Vice-President, William James McKeefery)
The constitution of the Gay Alliance at Virginia Tech, the first openly gay student group at Virginia Tech, 1971. This document was given to Vice President William McKeefery and included in a file with documentation regarding the decision to accept…

Letter to Vice President for Student Affairs Regarding Recognition of the Gay Alliance of Virginia Tech, May 13, 1971 (RG 5/1/2 Office of Academic Affairs, 1961-1977)
A letter from the Dean for Student Programs Martha Harder to Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. James W. Dean regarding the vote of the Student Constitutional Affairs Board on May 12, 1971, to recognize the Gay Alliance of Virginia Tech as an…

Position Paper: Alternative to Approval of Gay Student Alliance, May 5, 1976 (RG 5/1/2/1, Records of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Office of the Vice President for Special Projects, Alfred Krebs)
A statement by Alfred H. Krebs, Vice President for Special Projects, on the rationale for rejecting the approval of the Gay Student Alliance as an official Virginia Tech student group, written on May 5, 1976.
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