Isaac White Letters, 1861-1938 (Ms1997-013)

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Isaac White Letters, 1861-1938 (Ms1997-013)


Civil War


White, Isaac, 1837-1889




Permission to publish material from the Isaac White Letters must be obtained from the Special Collections, Virginia Tech.



Bibliographic Citation

Isaac White Letters, 1861-1938, Ms1997-013, Special Collections, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Rights Holder

Special Collections, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va.

Collection Items

Letter, Isaac to his mother, Camp Lurray Valley Va, August 17th, 1864 (Ms1997-013)
Isaac writes to his mother about his grief over his brother's death.

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, October 20th, 1864 (Ms1997-013)
Isaac, along with 250 men, are marching to Beverly to capture the garison stationed there. The expedition will take up the three weeks.

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, On Picket Near Newhope Va, October 6th, 1864 (Ms1997-013)
Isaac denounces the author of an article claiming that Imboden's command, which Isaac is a member of, was responsible for the failures at Winchester. He asks about the members of his family and again complains of not hearing enough news from them.

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, On Picket Near Port Republic, October 2nd, 1864 (Ms1997-013)
Isaac asks Jinnie and his family to write him more often. His command is advancing on the enemy near Mt Crawford. Isaac comments on how the enemy has destroyed the country and burnt nearly everything to the ground.

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, Hisker's Hill Near Strausberg Va, September 22nd, 1864 (Ms1997-013)
The 62nd suffered a great loss in Winchester, with 2,000-3,000 kills and wounded. Isaac expresses how horrible he thinks war is, even during the excitement of a battle.

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, Camp Near Smithfield Jefferson Co Va, August 24th, 1864 (Ms1997-013)
Isaac is very weary and in need of new clothing, which he is hopeful of getting. Isaac's friend Archer wrote him, saying he requested that Isaac be appointed the surgeon for Colonel Giles's regiment. Isaac still mourns the death of his brother…

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, Camp Near Front Royal Va, August 19th, 1864 (Ms1997-013)
Isaac again reiterates his sorrow of hearing of his brother's death and his desire to be with his family to grieve together.

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, Campy Lurray Vally Va, August 17th, 1864 (Ms1997-013)
Isaac writes to Jinnie, still grieving for the death of his brother.

Letter, Isaac to his mother, Camp 8 Miles Above ----, August 11th, 1864 (Ms1997-013)
Isaac is torn apart by the sudden news of his brother's death. He is consumed by thoughts of his brother's widow and children, and wishes to be with his family for consolation.

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, Camp Near ---- Jefferson Co Va, August 9th, 1864 (Ms1997-013)
A Yankee spy was shot the day prior. Grant, Sherman, and Stonemen have all faced defeat, much to Isaac's joy. Isaac and many of his fellow soldiers are in tattered clothing.

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, Camp Near Strausburg Va, July 22nd, 1864 (Ms1997-013)
Isaac updates Jinnie on the injuries and deaths of their friends, including the death of Alfred. The 62nd has very few men left. They will not be fighting, though they are in the line of battle.

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, Camp Near Staunton, June 27th, 1864 (Ms1997-013)
Issac's regiment will be getting horses and serving as infantry for General Imboden. Isaac receives notice that they are going on an expedition with an unknown destination.

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, Camo 4 Miles of Salem, June 22nd, 1864 (Ms1997-013)
Reports from Richmond say that the Southern armies killed and wounded 30,000 enemies.

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, Charlottesville Va, June 12th, 1864 (Ms1997-013)
Still in the hospital, now joined by friends Dick and Alvin, Isaac requests that his sister's servant is sent down with Alfred to serve Isaac in the army.

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, Charlottesville Va, June 8th, 1864 (Ms1997-013)
Isaac is receiving treatment at the Hospital Col for Dysentery and Cholmorbous.

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, On the Battlefield, June 3rd, 1864 (Ms1997-013)
An exhausted and ill Isaac reports to Jinnie about the relentess fighting he has been engaged in since the last letter he wrote her.

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, Hanover Junction Va, May 27th, 1864 (Ms1997-013)
General Grant is making his way to Chichommany, and so Isaac's division is marching there. Isaac mourns the death of his friend John Higginbothem.

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, Hanover Junction Va, May 20th, 1864 (Ms1997-013)
Issac updates Jinnie on the status of their badly hurt friend Alfred, as well as the final numbers of losses from the previously mentioned battle. He is anticipating being joined by George Briggs.

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, Newmarket Va, May 16th, 1964 (Ms1997-013)
Isaac's command has been fighting in battles for the past five days, but he made it out unhurt. He describes the horror of the battle, as his side lost up to 600 injured or killed.

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, Camp Near Woodstock Va, May 7th, 1864 (Ms1997-013)
Isaac's command si waiting for a successful movement on the part on General Lee before they move themselves.

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, Mt Crawford Va, April 30th, 1864 (Ms1997-013)
Isaac delayed his march to Mt Crawford one day in order to visit the Waughs family in Staunton. He believes his command will march a long way soon, to an unknown destination.

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, Camp Near Dear Field Va, March 9th, 1864 (Ms1997-013)
Isaac is catching a moment of peace at his remote station in the mountains, situated in a comfortable tent with adequate food supply.

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, Camp 5 Miles of Staunton, December 24th, 1863 (Ms1997-013)
Isaac describes a horrific and eventually pointless expedition that his command endured, resulting in awful deaths of some of his fellow soldiers. He does not think the war will find any rest during the winter.

Letter, Mary B Day to Isaac, December 8th, 1863 (Ms1997-013)
Mary writes to inform Isaac that her husband is in fact dead.

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, Camp 14 Miles NW of Harrisonburg, November 18th, 1863 (Ms1997-013)
Isaac does not believe his command has enough troops to protect the extensive country they occupy. He asks Jinnie to have his sister order a new coat for him in preparation for the upcoming winter.

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, Camp Near Dogton, October 6th, 1863 (Ms1997-013)
Isaac visited with his friends Mr. and Mrs. Kettle. He heard back from Richmond, and acknowledges that it will be a while before he receives a promotion.

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, Camp Near Dayton Va, September 30th, 1863 (Ms1997-013)
Isaac has yet to hear from the board in Richmond about a potential promotion, and he does not believe he will get it. He is concerned about the dwindling numbers of his command.

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, Camp 10 Miles N of Harrisonburg, September 13th, 1863 (Ms1997-013)
After failing to capture the enemy forces in Moorsfield, Isaac's troop marched to Hardy County. At this time, Isaac is the only remaining surgeon in his command, as one was taken prisoner and the other was sent to Richmond.

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, Camp 8 Miles Below Harrisonburg, September 7th, 1863 (Ms1997-013)
Jinnie's father is still alive. Isaac describes an encounter with the enemy near Moorsfield that resulted in hiss troop capturing 10 prisoners.

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, Harrisonburg Va, August 20th, 1863 (Ms1997-013)
Isaac hears that Jinnie's father passed away, and Isaac attempts in his letter to consol her

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, Williamsport Maryland, July 9th, 1863 (Ms1997-013)
Enduring many enemy attakcs, Isaac's troop made it to Williamsport under orders to guard a wagon train. His suffered great loss, having 80 soldiers killed and wounded.

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, Buckhannan Upshur Co Va, May 2nd, 1863 (Ms1997-013)
Isaac has been left in charge of the wounded, which fills him with sorrow. He tells Jinnie the worth of the presents he is sending her.

Letter, Isaac to Jinnie, Camp Washington, April 13th, 1863 (Ms1997-013)
Isaac tells Jinnie about his desire to be in the army after reaching Camp Washington and meeting so many nice gentlemen and seeing many friends there. He hopes the war will be over soon so that he may be with Jinnie.
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