These pages are from the Bulletin of VPI, Vol. XV, No. 6, Sept. 1922, and it advertises different opportunites that V. P. I. had for women in 1922/1923. The item focuses on opportunites within the applied sciences, but also discusses other fields…
This cover from the Bulletin of VPI, Vol. XIX, No. 1, November 1925, indicates the need for funds for a new dormitory on campus, and this photo depicts the Home Economics Building, ca. 1925, which was previously the Agricultural Extension Division…
This newspaper article from The Roanoke Times is the first mention if the Association of Chinese Students. The article discusses the gift of some reproductions of Chinese artworks to VPI.
This newspaper clipping describes the women's basketball team's victory over the "Bashful Basketeers" of Concord State. One of the captions uses the term "Turkey Hens", which is what the women's team called themselves. Because the University did not…
This newspaper article describes several smallpox cases that occurred in Blacksburg in 1913. It is aso noted in the article that everyone at the University had been vaccinated prior to the outbreak.
This newspaper article describes the fire that broke out in the old library in 1953. Nothing was destoryed since all library materials had been moved several weeks before the fire broke out.
This newspaper clipping shows a photograph of the Virginia Tech Board of Vistors. R. L. McConnell, C. A. Boatwright, H. H. Walton, and Dr. M. P. Smith, who were the first women to join the Board of Visitors are pictured.
This newspaper article discusses funding for V. P. I. that was approved by the Federal Works Administration. The funding was for the construction of several new building at the Radford Ordnance Works.
This clipping depicts an Anti-Iranian protest that occurred in November of 1979 to show support for the hostages that were being held at the United States Emabsy.
This newspaper article discusses the opening of a new dormitory at Virginia Tech. This dormitory was named after Lieutenant James Monteith, who was a Medal of Honor recipient.
By the time this drawing, produced by the Manning Offices Inc., a landscape design firm, was published in the September 1927 issue of the V.P.I. Bulletin, the original was already hanging in the President's office. A few of the new structures…
This pamphlet put out by the United States Food Administration asks people to eat less wheat and meat so that more can be sent to the soldiers fighting in World War I.
This photo is of a plaque on the table where Future Farmers of Virginia (later expanded to Future Farmers of America) was founded by Walter S. Newman, H. C. Groseclose, H. W. Sanders, and E. C. Magill, all associated with V.P.I.'s Department of…
This photo by Richard Randolph of VT University Relations depicts a person wearing their Native dress involved in the 2019 Powwow held by Native at Virginia Tech on the Graduate Life Center lawn.
This photo by Dan Mirolli of VT University Relations shows the participants in the 40th Anniversary celebration of Denim Day, which first raised awareness of the LGBTQ community at Virginia Tech in January 1979. Pictured are VT president Tim Sands,…
This photo was taken of a virtual town hall discussing the issues facing members of the Asian, Pacific Islander, and Desi American (APIDA) community at Virginia Tech and locally. This image features Nina Ha, director of the Asian Cultural Engagement…
This photo from the President's report to the Board of Visitors at the January 28, 1926, meeting, illustrates the dire need for dormitories on campus. By 1925, four students shared a 13 ft. x 15 ft. dorm room, and to make floor space they tied their…
This photo by Logan Wallace of VT University Relations shows a class in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences held at Kentland Farm, May 2, 2017.
This photo by Chiravi Patel of the VT University Relations depicts students in Stefan Al’s studio in November 2020 in the College of Architecture and Urban Studies' geodesic dome put up near Cowgill Hall to help with social distancing during the…
This Virginia Tech class ring is from the Class of 1911. 1911 was also the first year that the University made class rings. This photo is from the VT Alumni Association.
This photo depicts the Class of 1928's class ring. The rings were presented to every member of the class at the first "Ring Banquet" held by the Class of 1928 in their junior year on January 22, 1927. This photo is from the VT Alumni Association.