Browse Items (9 total)

  • Is Part Of is exactly "Ms1988-060, Box 33, Folder 29"

Photograph of an unidentifed building. There are several people and cars outside the house.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak, presumably working in his office.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (second from left) introducing Ruth Marshak (left) to two unidentified people.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak is a professional headshot.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (left) eating and laughing with two unidentified men.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (second from left) and three unidentified men. One of the men appears to be showing Marshak a piece of equipment, and another man is wearing a lab coat with the initials "A.E.C."

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak sitting on a couch talking with an unidentified man.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (left) and an unidentified man talking at the 9th General Assembly of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), which was in Rome, Italy, from September 17th through the 20th, 1957. Description about…

Photograph of an unidentified group of people at the C. E. K. Mees Observatory at the University of Rochester. The photo is by Linn Duncan of Pittsford, New York.
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