Browse Items (8 total)

  • Is Part Of is exactly "Ms1988-060, Box 35, Folder 39"

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (left) talking to an unidentified woman at a dinner table.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (left) talking with two unidentified people at a dinner table.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (second from right) talking with an unidentified man at a dinner table with other unidentified people sitting beside them.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak (right) sitting at the head table at the City College of New York Alumni Banquet.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak giving a speech at the City College of New York Alumni Banquet.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak standing next to a podium at the City College of New York Alumni Banquet. Marshak is talking with an unidentified group of people.

Photograph of the City College of New York Alumni Banquet. Marshak (right) and three unidentified men are looking at a piece of paper.

Photograph of Robert E. Marshak standing behind the podium at the City College of New York Alumni Banquet. A banner in the background says "[C]CNY Alumni Association". There are several unidentified people clapping and listening.
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