Browse Items (17 total)

  • Is Part Of is exactly "Ms1989-029, Box 18, Folder 1"
Unclassified Report on the issue of Ivanberries and its usage in the US and abroad.
State Department Press Release announcing Michael Collins' swearing in as Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs.
State Department Press Release announcing Michael Collins' nomination to Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs.
Photo of Michael Collins with a group including James Fisher (President of Towson [State] University)
Photo of Michael Collins approached by a group of women.
Notes written by Michael Collins discussing a trip to California.
Letter from President Richard Nixon to Michael Collins accepting his resignation and thanking him for the work he has done.
Letter from Michael Collins to President Richard Nixon informing him of his resignation from Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs so that he can accept the position of Director of the National Air and Space Museum for the Smithonian…
Letter from President Richard Nixon to Michael Collins thanking him for his visit the previous week.
Letter from John N. Irwin II to Michael Collins informing him of his designation by the President to be his Personal Representative at the celebration of indepenence of the Dominion of Fiji.
Letter from Michael Collins to Dean of Students informing him of the letter he sent to the Student Leader regarding improved communication with students.
Letter from Michael Collins to Student Leader as part of an effort to improve communication between students and the State Department.
Letter from Michael Collins to John R. Karr thanking him for his advice and sharing his own thoughts on the topic of Vietnam.
Letter from John R. Karr to Michael Collins offering unsolicited advice in regards to his attempts to reach out to the country's youth through the State Department.
The Travel Itinerary of Michael Collins and his wife for their trip to Fiji and Texas.
Michael Collins' Business Card from his time as Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs. Back features note regarding "Book Publishers".
AP News article detailing the State Department's attempts to reach out to America's youth.
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