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  • Is Part Of is exactly "Ms1990-062, Box 1, Folder 1"

Jimmie tells his mother about a trip to Greenville with a friend and he finds out there are a few girls colleges that he wanted to visit a friend at one of the nearby schools. He tells her about all the people writing to him since he joined the army.

Tells his father about issues in camp with the hot temperatures, red clay soil, and hot water heater. He says that they received more clothing and rifles.

Informs Jimmie Monteith that he has been accepted for military service.

Jimmie says that work has been busy with a 10 mile hike and rifle training. He says he can't come home for Thanksgiving, but he might be able to get a Christmas furlough.

Written insert say that Jimmie received a box of delicious candy.

Jimmie tells his sister about going to Greenville on the weekends and visiting with a family friend who took him to dinner and a movie. The work at camp is getting harder with long hikes and planes constantly flying overhead.

Jimmie tells his father he might get a Christmas furlough. He says he received the peanuts that his parents sent.

Jimmie thanks his mother for the presents and tells her about his plans to spend Christmas in Greenville at the Ballengers home.

Jimmie talks about the possibility of a furlough. He talks about how his Christmas was and the presents and cards that he received. He says that his friend Jack will be coming by at some point.

Jimmie tells his mother that he will remain at the camp permanently to be an instructor.
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