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Letter, Confirmation of Proposal of sale of 13 slaves to the 28th Regt. Under Col. Preston, To Col Preston, [?] 21, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, To Col. Preston. Call on the Brig. General tomorrow after breakfast. Signed: Geo. Lay, Head Quarters, Advances Forces, Army of the Potomac, Fairfax C.H., July 1, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Requisition for Ordnance and Ordnance Stores for the use of the 28th Regiment of the Va. Volunteers, signed P. Breckenridge, September 20, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, To Col. Preston. Report to Genl. Longstreet immediately upon your arrival, Head Quarters, Advanced Forces, Falls Church, September 25, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Letter, Col. Preston's response to criticism of misinterpreted orders. Signed: Col. Preston, Masons Hill, September 26, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Regarding troop movement. By order of Col. Preston, Masons Hill, September 26, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Letter, To Col. Preston, Regarding misinterpretation of orders, Head Quarters, Advanced Forces, September 26, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, To Col. Preston, Moving three regiments, Signed: J. Longstreet, Brig. Gen., Head Quarters, Advanced Forces, September 27, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, To Col. Preston, Regarding troop movements, Signed: J. Longstreet, Brig. Gen., Head Quarters, Advanced Forces, September 27, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Letter, To Col. Preston. Inquiry on the probable state of Masons Hill. Signed: M. Mason, Fairfax Co., September 28, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Letter, To Col. Preston, Withdrawing remarks from the 26th for not receiving copies of all the instructions, Signed: James Longstreet, Brig. Gen., Head Quarters, Advanced Forces, October 2, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Letter, To Col. Preston, Regarding Transfers, Signed: Poindexter and Bullington, Richmond, October 3, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, The regiment under my command is the one selected form the 5th Brigade to report to construct a portion of the Advanced Guard. Signed: Col. Preston, Head Quarters 28th Regiment Va. Volunteers, Camp near Centreville, October 17, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Letter, To Col. Preston, Buena Vista, October 18, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Letter, To Col. Preston. Inquiry into the state of Mason's Hill. Signed: M. Mason, Warrington Va., November 4, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Letter, J. E. Johnston to Col. Preston, Presentation of State colors by Governor, Head Quarters, Centreville, November 4, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Special Requisition, Signed: Col. Preston, Head Quarters, 28th Regiment Va. Volunteers, November 9, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Certificate, granting Col. Preston a medical leave of absence. Signed: Saml. A. McConkey, Near Centreville, November 23, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, To Col. Preston. Personnel transfer. Signed: H. Wells, Camp Pickens, November 24, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Military Order, Col. Preston wished and is recommended an extension of leave for 30 days. Signed: Saml. A. McConkey, Camp, 28th Regiment Va. Volunteers, near Centreville, December 19, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
Letter, Henry Johnston to Col. Preston, State of the 28th Va. Vol., Head Quarters, 28th Regiment Va. Volunteers, Centreville, December 26, 1861 (Ms1992-003)
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