Anonymous handwritten note divided into four quadrants, one of which includes John 3:16 of the New Testament, with color heart drawings expressing sympathy, undated
Anonymous handwritten note written on construction paper, expressing sympathy, "The courage + bravery that you all show...", and red hearts drawn across the paper, undated
A green card with a drawing of a heart, crowned with a halo, with wings in the background, and the number "32" on the front. The drawing is over the words "Rest in Peace" and date "4-16-07". "Michigan '07" is written below, presumably the place and…
Sympathy card contains a drawing of the HokieBird as a phoenix rising out of ashes over the date "4.16.07" next to what is presumably the artist's signature [illegible].
Next to the head of the HokieBird are the words, "We will carry them with us,…
Anonymous handwritten note expressing sympathy toward Virginia Tech students, with a colored marker drawing of a person that is saying "I hope you feel better", dated April 24, 2007
Anonymous handwritten note "Dear VA Tech, My heart is so very sad...", written on a notepad with a cherry border, red outline, and cornucopia at the bottom, signed M. C., and dated April 20, 2007