Card, possibly orginally from floral bouquet, that says "All love, sympathy and support. To all of us who have been effected [sic] by the tragedy / From- Demeter, California"
Anonymous card with a cross in front of a sunset and mountains on one side and a HokieBird on the other side with the words, "Death Leaves A Heartache NO [sic] One Can Heal. Love Leave [sic] A Memory No One Can Steal."
Anonymous card with a cross and HokieBird on one side and a VT on the other side with the words, "Although it's difficult today to see beyond the sorrow, May looking bac in memory help comfort you tomorrow."
Anonymous sympathy card with 3D stickers on front and inside. Front of card says, “Sometimes one pivotal moment or event will bring a community TOGETHER.” Inside of card says, “TODAY WE ARE ALL HOKIES”.
A sympathy card from an anonymous writer with the following quotes:
“As I searched for meaning in what happened, I finally found it. I found it in the incredible poise, control, and togetherness by the Virginia Tech family.
”The true character…
An anonymous card with drawing of several hearts in various states of healing with the words, "A broken heart, will never heal, but just in case we'll help."
A letter of condolence from an anonymous writer within a hand drawn heart. The letter states, "I wish I could bring some peace to your lives, to help deal with the pain so many of you are suffering through now. To give you some hope, to make you feel…
Handwritten on the front of the card is, "I pray that the Lord Jesus chist [sic] will bless you and be kind to you[.] May God [bless?] you with his love and may the Holy Spirit [heals?]" The back of the card has a green butterfly with the handwritten…