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  • Is Part Of is exactly "Ms2010-052, Box 1, Folder 4"

Letter from C. W. Wortman to Keystone. Wortman informs Keystone that his sales territory is proving very profitable and he is happy with the job.

Keystone letter to Gray Barnhart. Keystone updates Barnhart about contacting a salesman named Mr. Pierce. Keystone sent Barnharts order to his brother, Walter Barnhart, in Front Royal, VA. Keystone also asks about other salesmen named Mr. Eliott and…

Keystone letter to Gray Barnhart. Keystone tells Barnhart that there was no error with his last order. They also encourage him to sell more World Tour views.

Keystone letter to Gray Barnhart. Barnhart has recovered from his illness and is ready to go back into the sales business. Keystone informs Barnhart that they have made a new set of views covering the 1906 San Francisco earthquake that will sell very…

Keystone letter to Gray Barnhart. Keystone answers a question Barnhart had in his last letter.

Keystone letter to Gray Barnhart. Barnhart has been sick and unable to work. Keystone sends copies of their Cabinet and Case booklet, and accept Barnhart's expresss receipt.

Keystone letter to Gray Barnhart. Keystone is sending a receipt for one of Barnhart's recent orders which is being expressed to him separately.

Keystone letter to Gray Barnhart. Keystone is encouraging Barnhart to look for more sub-agents and young men that can apply to be salesmen. Keystone gives examples of previous employees who went on to become very successful. Keystone will pass along…

Keystone letter to Gray Barnhart. Keystone updates Barnhart about other salesmen who are interested in working as General Agents. Keystone encourages Gray to secure lots of contracts and business. Keystone also sends Barnhart their new catalog of…

Keystone letter to Walter Barnhart. Keystone sends Barnhart his commission for his orders. Keystone has expressed Barnhart's orders and have sent him some more views to show customers. Keystone corrected a financial mistake made on their part and…

Keystone letter to Walter Barnhart. Barnhart sent information about one of Keystone's agents, Mr. Cooley. Keystone encouraged Barnhart to try and get Mr. Cooley to work for Keystone again when school goes on break. Keystone encourages Barnhart to…

Keystone letter to Walter and Gray Barnhart. Keystone was contacted by a young man named William J. Boyd who is interested in becoming a salesman. Keystone asks the Barnhart brothers to draft up a contract for him so that Boyd can become one of their…

Keystone letter to Walter Barnhart. Keystone hopes Walter Barnhart and his brother, Gray Barnhart, will secure contracts with new salesmen. Keystone also encourages the Barnhart brothers to work during the Christmas holiday season and sell their…

Keystone Letter to Walter Barnhart. Keystone clarifies a financial issue from a few of Barnhart's previous orders. Keystone also tells Barnhart how much commission he makes on certain view sets. On the back of the letter is another letter from Walter…

Keystone letter to Walter barnhart. Keystone discusses new sub-agents for Barnhart. Keystone mentions their organization at Virginia Tech, and send new manuals to Barnhart.
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