Letter from Catlett Conway to Willie, catching up on news concerning numerous family members; detailing his current comfortable living situation and his daughters
Letter from Catlett Conway to Willie, discrediting an article about Charlie Conway by Marion Johnson; recounting a street car strike which resulted in the deaths of citizens and soldiers attempting to quell the
Letter from Catlett Conway to Willie, relaying the news of the death of Kent, Johnny's only son, and asking to be informed of any details of the death; and recalling a speech given a few days prior by Harvard president and historian Charles Francis…
Letter from Catlett Conway to Willie, describing a picture that he had taken a few days prior; commenting on Willie's article in the Sundays' Dispatch titled "Early in the Valley" in reference to a Civil War battle which Willie participated in; and…
Letter from Catlett Conway to Willie, discussing details of the Conway family genealogy that he and his daughter Mary Wallace had investigated and comparing the education and school systems of the South and the North, asserting that "public school…
Letter from Catlett Conway to Willy, reflecting on his article "my experience in the Battle of Gettysburg" that had been published in a newspaper; recalling certain aspects of the Conway family genealogy; telling how a portrait of "GrandPa Catlett"…