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Receipt to John Jameson from D. L. Coon & Co.
Receipt to John Jameson from D. L. Coon & Co.
John Jameson Receipt from the Franklin Gazette
John Jameson Receipt from the Franklin Gazette for $2.00.
Receipt to John Jameson for One Trunk
Receipt to John Jameson for One Trunk
John Jameson $3.50 Subscription Receipt
John Jameson $3.50 Subscription Receipt
Receipt to John Jameson for $9.65
Receipt to John Jameson for $9.65
Received from John Jameson five dollars on a note
Received from John Jameson five dollars on a note
Received from John Jameson one bushel of seed at five dollars
Received from John Jameson one bushel of seed at five dollars
Received from John Jameson four dollars on account
Received from John Jameson four dollars on account
John Jameson Receipt on Back of Envelope
John Jameson Receipt on Back of Envelope
John Jameson Receipt for $2.50
John Jameson Receipt for $2.50
Tax Receipt to Mr. Nelson
Tax Receipt to Mr. Nelson
Receipt to John Jameson, Jr in full, signed [?] Thompson
John Jameson Receipt for Payment in Full
John Jameson Receipt for $15.00
John Jameson Receipt for $15.00
John Jameson Receipt for $20.00
John Jameson Receipt for $20.00
John W. Jameson receipt for payment on account
John W. Jameson receipt for payment on account.
John Jameson Receipt for $13.60
John Jameson $13.60 paid in full, signed J. W. Hartwell.
John Jameson Receipt
John Jameson paid to his credit in name of John W. Hartwell.
John Jameson Receipt for $18.40
John Jameson Receipt for $18.40
John Jameson Receipt for Registered Letter
John Jameson Receipt for Registered Letter
John Jameson Receipt for $2.00
John Jameson Receipt for $2.00
John Jameson Receipt for $15.00
John Jameson Receipt for $15.00
John and William Jameson Notice from Sheriff
John and William Jameson Notice from Sheriff
Joel L. Webster Receipt from Franklin County, Virginia
Joel L. Webster Receipt from Franklin County, Virginia
John Jameson Receipt
John Jameson Receipt
John Jameson Hay Receipt
John Jameson Hay Receipt
Promissory Note
Promissory Note
John R. Webster Invoice for Purchases
John R. Webster Invoice for Purchases
Accounting of names and counties and money
Accounting of names and counties and money
Signed and Witnessed Note
Signed and witnessed note dated January 2, 1792
Achnarithes imifurctata, Single-spotted Achnanthes, Cryptogarnia Algae
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Osmunda Lunaria, Moonwart, Cryptogarnia Silices
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Fucus rubens, Red proliferous Fucus, Cryptogarnia Algae
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Spumaria Muscilago, White Spumaria, Cryptogarnia Fungi
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Fucus coronompifolius, Buck's-horn Fucus, Cryptogarnia Algae
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Asplenium Fuchomanus, Common Mardenhair Spleenuort, Cryptogarnia Gilices
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Fucus dentatus, Toothed Fucus, Cryptogarnia Algae
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Fistulina hepatica, Fleshy Fistilina, Cryptogarnia Fungi
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Fucus rotundus, Round stalked Fucus, Cryptogarnia Algae
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Hypnum Alpestre, Horntam Aquatic Hypnum, Cryptogarnia Musci
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Sphceroccus Erectus, Erect Sphecerocuccus, Cryptogarnia Algae
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Scolopendrium Citerach, Common Scaly Splunuort, Cryptogarnia Filices
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Monima Dilluiyunie, Dellnyn's Mimima, Cryptogarnia Algae
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Grimmia Leuciohoea, Dark hoary Grimmia, Cryptogarnia Musci
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Fucus ciliatus, Cilited Fucus, Cryptgarnia Algae
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Phlebia Merismoides, Orange-bordered Phlebia, Cryptogarnia Fungi
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Fucus alotus, Winged Crimson Fucus, Cryptogarnia Algae
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Timmia Megapolitana, Common Timmia, Cryptogarnia Musci
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Fucus Sarellosus, Hone-crop Fucus, Cryptogarnia Algae
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Liotia uliginosa, Marsh Leotia, Cryptogarnia Fungi
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Lycopodium annolunum, Interrupted Club-mofs, Cryptogarnia Silices
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
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