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List of Odd Fellows Members and Semi Annual Dues, 1917 (Ms1988-009)
Handwritten list of names and dues paid at Tadmore Light Lodge #6184, Blacksburg Va.
Odd Fellows Journal
, May 7, 1936 (Ms1988-009)
Excerpt from the national Odd Fellow's Journal
Bill for
The Odd Fellows' Journal
Subscription (Ms1998-009)
A bill from the Grand Order of Odd Fellows (Philadelphia, PA) to Lodge No. 6184 (Blacksburg, VA) for a subscription to The Odd Fellows' Journal.
Letter to James Anderson (Ms1988-009)
Invitation from A.K. Lester inviting Odd Fellows of Blacksburg to "turn out" on Sunday.
Bill from George A. Floding Manufacturer (Ms1988-009)
Bill from George A. Floding (Atlanta) for regalia.
Application for Membership, Grand United Order of Odd Fellows (Ms1988-009)
Completed membership application, signed by Plymouth Christian, for Tadmore Light Lodge #6189, Blacksburg [Virginia].
Loan agreement for Tadmore Light Lodge #6189 (Ms1988-009)
Loan agreement for $38.50 from Bank of Blacksburg to Tadmore Light Lodge #6189.
Password Card (Ms1988-009)
Card recounting first letters of password sequence for Tadmore Light Lodge #6184
Letter to A.T. Shirley from Harris P. Saunders (Ms1988-009)
Letter to A.T. Shirley (D.G.S., Herndon, Virginia) from Harris P. Saunders (Tadmore Light Lodge #6184) inquiring about cost to reinstate members to the Order of Odd Fellows.
Letter to Mr. Owens from Thomas W. Pate (Ms1988-009)
Letter to Mr. Owens (Tadmore Light Lodge #6184) from Thomas W. Pate (James Lincoln Light Lodge #5700) notifying of a postponed event.
Membership Drive Announcement (Ms1988-009)
Letter announcing a membership drive to gain 500 new members.
Clearance Card (Ms1988-009)
A blank clearance card from the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows
Receipt for Regalia Order, Household of Ruth (Ms1988-009)
Receipt for regalia order from Edward Manufacturing Company (Atlanta, Ga.) to Marie Johnson, Household of Ruth (Blacksburg, Va.)
Boletus Rubeolanius, bryptogarnia fungi
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Fucus nodosus, Knobbed Fucus, Cryptogarnia Algae
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Ptuis aquilina, Common Brakes, Cryptogarnia Silices
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Pijiza Atrorifa, Black and red Pijiza, Cryptogarnia Fungi
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Escilaria Guilgerrs, Splendid Esclaria, Sryptogarnia Algae
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Equiseluna sylvaticum, Branched Wood Hersetail, Cryptogarnia Hilices
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Agaricus Muscarille, Cryptogarnia Fungi
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Berheleya Fraqilis, Fragile Berheleya, Cryptogarnia Algae
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Splachnum nasculosum var. Auilife, Bugese-fruited Splachnum, Cryptogarnia Musci
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Achnanthes Baerifes, Short stemmed Achnanhes, Cryptogarnia Algae
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Noeinasfrora Magna, Large Noeinasfrora, Cryptogarnia Fungi
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Fucus asparagordes, Asparagus Fucus, Cryptogarnia Algae
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Scolopendrium bulgars, Common Hart's-tongue, Cryptogarnia Silices
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Exilaria flabellata, Far-shaped Exilaris, Crytpgarnia Algae
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Peziza bocunea, Cryptogarnia Fungi
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Fucus sanguineus, Red dock-leaved Fucus, Cryptogarnia Algae
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Floccaria Glauccu, Glauccus Flociaria, Cryptogarnia Finci
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Fucus Sariellosus, Stone-crop Fucus, Cryptogarnia Algae
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Ophioglossum vribgartum, Adder's Tongue, Cryptogarnia Silices
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Peziza Epiderdra, Cryptogarnia Fungi
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Fucus Baccifeuis, Berry-bearing Fucus, Cryptogarnia Algae
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Hyprum Brerostre, Short-beaker Feather Mofs, Cryptogarnia Musci
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Licia fragilformus, Red Licia, Cryptogarnia Fungi
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Fucus Norrvegicus, Red Norway Fucus, Cryptogarnia Algae
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Geastrium Multifedum, Mary-left Earth-star, Cryptogarnia Fungi
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Fucus colulis, Red leathery Fucus or Dulse, Cryptogarnia Algae
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Adiantum Capillus Veneris, True Maidenhair, Cryptogarnia Filices
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Aethalium Flavum, Common Aethalium, Cryptogarnia Fungi
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Fucus tomentosux, Downy Fucus, Cryptogarnia Algae
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Lycopodium annolunum, Interrupted Club-mofs, Cryptogarnia Silices
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Liotia uliginosa, Marsh Leotia, Cryptogarnia Fungi
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Fucus Sarellosus, Hone-crop Fucus, Cryptogarnia Algae
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Timmia Megapolitana, Common Timmia, Cryptogarnia Musci
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Fucus alotus, Winged Crimson Fucus, Cryptogarnia Algae
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Phlebia Merismoides, Orange-bordered Phlebia, Cryptogarnia Fungi
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Fucus ciliatus, Cilited Fucus, Cryptgarnia Algae
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
Grimmia Leuciohoea, Dark hoary Grimmia, Cryptogarnia Musci
Watercolor painting of fungus found in England
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