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  • Bibliographic Citation is exactly "Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: Fries Textile Plant Records, Ms1989-039, Special Collections, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Va."

The Fries Textile Mill oversaw the local YMCA as well, including the interior design of the building. Here, we see plans for redecorating the public spaces, dated May 24th, 1949.

The Fries Textile Mill oversaw the local YMCA as well, including the interior design of the building. Here, we see plans for redecorating the public spaces, dated May 24th, 1949.

The Fries Textile Mill oversaw the local YMCA as well, including the interior design of the building. Here, we see plans for redecorating the public spaces, dated May 24th, 1949.

A letter from a pharmacist in Galax, VA, reporting on unpayed accounts of mill employees for prescription drugs.

A letter from the mill president congratulating Fries High School students on their athletic accomplishments

A letter from a school supply company confirming an order of tablet arm chairs.

A letter from the mayor of Fries requesting that the mill administration make some repairs to the town jail.

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A copy of the deed registering the sale of a piece of land by Dwight C. Funk to the Washington Mills Company on May 31, 1960.

A summary of participation in activities offered by the Fries YMCA from November 25th- December 20th, 1936.

A summary of income from the department store in Fries, Va, 1936.

A map showing the water depth of the mill pond for the Fries Textile Plant.

A map showing plots of land aquired by the Washington Mills Company to build the Fries Textile Mill and the Town of Fries as of 1901.

A map showing plots of land aquired by the Washington Mills Company to build the Fries Textile Mill and the Town of Fries as of 1948.

A map showing the intended layout for the mill.

A letter from the principal of the high school informing the mill adminstration that a tank in the Home Economics Cottage had begun to leak.

A letter from the principal of the high school asking for scrap cloth to clean the school.

A suggested template about workplace safety, sent to the Fries Textile Plant.

A letter from a mechanical engineer at Virginia Tech explaining the required dimensions of a part for the mill.

A letter from Mrs. Patsie Pruitt asking for her job back at the mill. She had moved to Maryland, but wanted to go back to Fries because child labor laws in Maryland prevented her children from working.

A letter from Haywood Haynes informing the mill that he and his family would be coming to work at the mill, with information about his family and their housing needs.

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A letter from Herbert Neisser, MD, inquiring about a position at the mill.

A letter from the Werthan Bag Corporation asking the mill to resell their empty bags to help with the war effort.

A letter from Mrs. Jack Epps asking for fabric samples to match her new wallpaper.

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A letter from a doctor at the University of Virginia who came to Fries to help tend flu victims.

A letter about a personnel change within the Fries Textile Mill.

A letter to Dr. Wilmer Hodgson asking him to resign as mill doctor for Fries.

A letter to the mill superintendant asking about jobs for men being released from jail.

A letter to a former mill employee accusing him of trying to convince his former coworkers at the mill to quit and join him at his new company.

A short missive from the president of Wachovia Loan and Trust Company and the founder and president of Washington Mills Company, Col. Francis H. Fries, thanking the mill superintendent for sending updates about operations. Includes and example of theā€¦

A letter introducing a new mill employee, sent to the Fries Mill from another mill owned by the Washington Mills Company.

A letter from the treasurer of the Washignton Mills Company inquiring about several employees wh had quit their jobs in North Carolina in order to work at the mill in Fries.

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A letter offering jobs and perks to a family in order to convince them to go work at the Fries mill.

A letter responding to another company's attempts to collect on an alleged $2 debt.

A letter asking about a man detained in Atlanta who was possibly wanted for murder in Fries.

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A letter explaining plans to build a new Baptist Church on Main Street in Fries, Va.

An image of a bobbin winding machine sent to the Fries mill.

A note sent in by an employee explaining their inability to work for several days.

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A letter sent to the mayor of Fries asking about moving to town to set up shop as a dentist.

A letter sent by the state confirming that the mill provided all utilities for the town.

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A letter from the state of Virginia offering assistance to test Fries residents for hookworm.

A letter asking the mill to support an amendement that would change the way the work of women and children was limited in Virginia.

A letter to responding to a telegram about a man potentially trying to convince mill employees to quit in order to work at another company.

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A letter regarding some land given to the state in order to redo a state highway.

A memo sent to all departments notifying them that the Fries Mill would shut down knitting operations.

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The lease for the land and building in Fries for the grocery store, the rent for which was $1 per year.

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A letter allowing the grocery store to build an extension to the building.

A letter regarding land for a maintenence road for Highway 94.

A letter regarding land for a maintenence road for Highway 94.

A letter regarding land for a maintenence road for Highway 94.
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