Bibliographic Citation is exactly "Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: Nelson Family Papers, Ms1989-021, Special Collections, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va."
February 18, 1783, Letter from Walker Daniel, at Col. Floyd's, to a French Merchant concerning commercial conditions on the wester Kentucky Frontier Both are friends of Col. Floyd, mentions Lincon, Fayette, Fall's of Ohio River, KY River' number of…
November 5, 1857, Letter to Nelson from Shier Wilie in Boston, (Re: 'The Bight' (a house), taxes $175, business transactions, discuss rent and repairs, mentions hard economic conditions)
Capt. Joseph Hardesty, 1st Regiment Cavalry Muster Roll, Signed: JEB Stuart (Harper's Ferry, Shephardstown enrollments, Berryville, people mustered by Stuart) April 18 to June 30, 1861