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  • Rights Holder is exactly "<a href="">Special Collections, University Libraries, Virginia Tech</a>"

An underground progressive newspaper published by The Blacksburg Free Press between 1968 and 1970. The articles were written mainly by Virginia Tech students and members of the Blacksburg community.

E-190 Tech Territory.mp4
Includes views of academic and recreational activities at Virginia Tech and the surrounding country

A-227 Homecoming Parade 1957.mp4
The homecoming parade of 1957 was captured on film by several home-movie takers attending the ceremony. Scenes include many floats, warm-up exercises for the t eam and a look around the campus after the game.

A-226 Unity, Dedication Precision.mp4
In May 1965, the Virginia Tech Regimental Band attended the Norfolk Azalea Festival in Norfolk, VA. With unity, dedication and precision they marched and played as guests of the city.

A-225 At Home with the Corps.mp4
The Corps' Regimental Band is shown marching in and around Blacksburg in this home-movie style footage. Scenes include parade style marching on Main Street, a half-time show in Miles Stadium, the folding of the flag in front of Lane Hall, and the…

A-222 In Practice on Campus.mp4
The Virginia Tech ROTC Regimental Band marches around the mall, drill field and Miles Stadium. Shows scenes of campus in November 1963 in the background. Foot age is rough cut, but provides unique nostalgia.

A-224 Full Dress Uniform.mp4
Shows corpsmen greeting each other after summer break. Then, in full dress uniform, Virginia Tech's entire corps is shown marching during half-time at the VPI vs VMI game. Later, back at Tech, the troops display their marching talents on the drill…

A-217 Marching Musicians.mp4
The Virginia Tech Regimental Band marches around the drill field in timeless fashion, but the background scenes suggest the mid-sixties. Home movie style footage remains unedited.

A-87 VPI Campus Scenes.mp4
Presents a detailed look at Virginia Polytechnic Institute's buildings and groun ds as they were during the 1930's. Short glimpses of 'downtown' Blacksburg, the surrounding countryside and automobiles of that time are provided.
the Civil War diary of Alfred Mantor, a corporal (and later sergeant) with C Company of the 27th Massachusetts Infantry. Mantor's diary covers January through April of 1864, shortly before he was killed in action in May. Entries focus on his…

The diary of Jacob Wallace Smith, a Union sharpshooter with the 7th Company, 1st Battalion, New York Sharpshooters, in the Northern Virginia region.The first few pages of the diary include a brief history of his enlistment. The early entries describe…,Ebenezer_Diary_1864_FrontCover.jpg
The diary of Ebenezer E. Mason, a standard leather bound pocket size edition with three dates per page that covers his experiences from January through August 1864 as well as a few entries in February 1865. The entries typically note the weather of…

The diary of M.M. Cottingim between April and October of 1862.In addition to short entries about his regiment's movements and activities, his last few entries make mention of his leg being wounded at Antietam on September 17, its subsequent…
Holliday's diaries, the first covering 1 May through 8 August 1864 and the second covering 1 September 1864 through 4 July 1865, begin with the regiment's entry into Virginia's New River Valley and conclude with his return to Ohio at the conclusion…
The 1863 diary of Henry Squire, 72nd New York Infantry and includes entries from January through July. Early entries detail camp life, war news, and in particular, playing baseball and boxing, an inspection by Lincoln, and camp rumors (from March…

The Civil War diary of James Miles, an enlisted soldier in the 185th Regiment of the New York Infantry. The diary describes soldier life and spans from January to March 1865 until the author was killed in action. Entries include descriptions of…

The diary of Alva Cleveland, a 57-year-old soldier who served as an orderly with the 1st Regiment, Wisconsin Infantry. The diary covers March to July 1862 while Cleveland's regiment was stationed around Nashville, Tennessee, and in northern Alabama.…

The B. H. Johnson Journal is a handwritten account of one year from September 1863 to September 1864 recorded by a Methodist circuit riding minister of eastern Virginia. Some mentioned locations within Virginia are Shiloh, Charlottesville, Salem,…

The Civil War diary of Captain Daniel A. Lowber of Company A, 37th Wisconsin Infantry. The diary entries commence with July 25, 1864, with Lowber apparently in transit to his regiment after a temporary furlough. He joins the regiment the day after…

A journal maintained by Frances A. 'Fannie' Murdoch, a young woman living on a Mississippi plantation during the Civil War. Containing approximately 90 pages, the journal commences with an entry dated May 29, 1861. The journal is largely…

The Civil War diary of Private Merritt Hager Smith of Company G, 97th New York Infantry, a member of the regimental band. The diary entries span the entire year of 1863. The first entry finds Smith receiving orders to proceed to Belle Plain Landing,…

The diary of Jacob Cohn, a soldier in Company A, 54th Pennsylvania Infantry during the Civil War. Cohn's brief entries commence with April 14, 1864 and trace his regiment's movements and battles, particularly those at New Market and Piedmont. The…

Transcript of court testimony in a claim by John W. Bosworth (acting as the executor of his father's estate) against the U. S. government for goods confiscated by the army during the Civil War.

Court document in a claim by John W. Bosworth (acting as the executor of his father's estate) against the U. S. government for goods confiscated by the army during the Civil War.

Court document in a claim by John W. Bosworth (acting as the executor of his father's estate) against the U. S. government for goods confiscated by the army during the Civil War.

Letter in relation to a claim by John W. Bosworth (acting as the executor of his father's estate) against the U. S. government for goods confiscated by the army during the Civil War.

Letter in relation to a claim by John W. Bosworth (acting as the executor of his father's estate) against the U. S. government for goods confiscated by the army during the Civil War.

A summons ordering Squire Bosworth to appear before a local voter registration board to explain why his name should not be stricken from the local roll of voters.
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