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  • Rights Holder is exactly "<a href="">Special Collections, University Libraries, Virginia Tech</a>"

"GARDNER, WILLIAM W. (b. 1872). DAYBOOK, 1918. 0.1 cu. ft. Merchant in Lafayette (Montgomery County), Virginia. Daybook providing customer names, goods purchased, and prices paid. Available on the Virginia Heritage database. Ms1940-011."

This is the diary of Charles O. Poland, a private in Company B, 142nd Ohio Infantry (National Guard) during the Civil War, was a resident of Knox County, Ohio. Born around 1836, he was the husband of Angeline Disney (daughter of William A. and Mary…

cash book maintained by Confederate Captain Charles L. C. Minor from 1860 to 1864. Also contained within the cash book's pages are diary entries of Union Army Private Edward P. Harmon (5th Maine Infantry) during May and June, 1864. Research materials…

The Civil War diary of Richard Colburn, an enlisted soldier of the 12th Infantry of the United States Regular Army attached to the Army of the Potomac. The diary contains entries from December 18, 1861 to February 17, 1863 and details camp life,…

Jeffrey Thomas Wilson (1843-1929) was a former slave who spent most of his life in and around Portsmouth and Norfolk, Virginia. He outlived four wives and had at least twelve children. Wilson's diaries include entries on a range of topics from local…

Bushee's diary is an account of his duties and the movements of Company E, 112 th Regiment, New York Infantry, from January to mid-November of 1863. Each entry begins with the phrase "1 day for Uncle Sam" and in the cash accounts in the back of the…
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