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  • Interviewer is exactly "Claire Gogan"

Howard Feiertag, an instructor of hospitality and tourism management in the Pamplin College of Business, has been a Virginia Tech faculty member since 1989. In 2015 he was awarded one of the Top 30 CMP Influencers Award, which recognizes the top 30…

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Eugene Banks, class of 1950, had never even seen Virginia Tech before the day he enrolled. Banks began his education in 1946 at the age of 16. While he never visited the campus due to the United States’ gasoline rationing in the early 1940s, Banks…

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Thomas "Tom" Hughes, born in 1957, grew up in Durham, North Carolina. Early into his high school career, he decided to pursue architecture in higher education. While there were many programs in both Virginia and North Carolina, Tom saw Virginia…

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Virginia Tech is known for its large campus and its striking architecture, and while it is easy to appreciate these features, many incoming students are easily intimidated by them. When Katie Frazier, Class of 2004, began her studies at Tech, she was…

Megan Nguyen is a Queer Vietnamese American originally from Northern Virginia. They attended Virginia Tech from 2012 to 2016 and studied Biology. They found the LGBTA, now HokiePRIDE, early during their time at Virginia Tech. They were involved in…

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Frank Nolen grew up in Macon County, North Carolina, raised with school in mind. In high school, he decided to attend North Carolina State College, but dropped out after encountering college chemistry. He transferred to Gaston Technical Institute, a…

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Theodore King, Jr. grew up on a farm in Lunenburg County, Virginia. While in high school, King was recruited by many colleges, including Virginia Tech. He was drawn to the school because of its appeal to common people, as he was a lower class African…
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