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Additions and Renovations Evans
Planned additions and renovations for the residence of Ed Evans.
Alternate First and Second Floor Framing Plans
Alternate first and second floor framing plans and wall sections at entry glazing for a lake cottage at Smith Mountain Lake, VA.
Axonometric Exterior Barranco tentative
Tentative drawing of the axonometric view of the Barranco residence.
Axonometric Exterior Barranco tentative (flipped)
Tentative drawing of the axonometric view of the Barranco residence from a different angle.
Axonometric Main Floor Barranco
Tentative, axonometric, drawing of the main floor of the Barranco residence.
Axonometric Main Floor Barranco 2
Tentative, axonometric, drawing of the other side of the main floor of the Barranco residence.
Bathrooms Barranco tentative
Tentative plans for bathrooms, a dining room, and closets of entry for the Barranco residence.
Beam and Column Schedules
Beam and column schedules and structural framing details for a lake cottage at Smith Mountain Lake, VA.
Building Axonometric
Axonometric drawing and stair details of a lake cottage at Smith Mountain Lake, VA.
Electrical and Mechanical Barranco
Electrical and mechanical plan for the Barranco residence.
Electrical and Mechanical Barranco preliminary
Early copy of the electrical and mechanical plans for the Barranco residence.
Electrical Barranco
Electrical plan for the main floor of the Barranco residence.
Electrical Barranco preliminary
Early copy of the electrical plans for the main floor of the Barranco residence.
Elevations Orr
Elevations of the Orr residence.
Elevations Personal
Northeastern, southeastern, southwestern, and entry elevations of a personal residence.
End Elevation Evans
End elevation of the Evans residence.
Exterior Axonometric Barranco
Exterior axonometric drawing for the Barranco residence.
Exterior Axonometric Barranco (black and white)
Black and white copy of Exterior Axonometric Barranco.
Exterior Elevations
Exterior elevations for a lake cottage at Smith Mountain Lake, VA.
Finish Schedule
Finish schedule, door and window types, and window framing details for a lake cottage at Smith Mountain Lake, VA.
Finish Schedule Barranco
Finish schedule, door types, and lighting and electrical fixture schedule for the Barranco residence.
Finish Schedule Barranco preliminary
Early copy of the finish schedule, door types, and lighting and electrical schedule for the Barranco residence.
First and Second Floor Framing Plans
Framing and mechanical plans for the first and second floor of a lake cottage at Smith Mountain Lake, VA.
First and Second Floor Plans
First and second floor plans for a lake cottage at Smith Mountain Lake, VA.
First Floor Plan Barranco tentative
Tentative plan for the first floor of the Barranco residence.
Floor Framing Plan Barranco
Framing plan for the Barranco residence.
Floor Framing Plan Barranco preliminary
Early copy of the floor framing plan for the Barranco residence.
Floor Plans Evans
Floor plans for the additions to the Evans residence.
Foundation and Ground Floor Plans
Foundation plans for a lake cottage at Smith Mountian Lake, VA.
Foundation Plan Barranco
Foundation plan for the Barranco residence.
Foundation Plan Barranco
Black and white copy of Foundation Plan Barranco with red suggestions.
Foundation Plan Barranco tentative
Tentative foundation plan for the Barranco residence.
Front Elevation Personal
Front elevation for a personal residence.
Garage Thru Front Porch Barranco tentative
Tentative plans for the garage, front porch, family room, living room, and courtyard of the Barranco residence.
Ground Floor Barranco
Ground floor plan for the Barranco residence.
Ground Floor Barranco preliminary 3
Early copy of the Ground Floor Barranco plans.
Ground Floor Barranco preliminary 1
Preliminary copy of the Ground Floor Barranco plans.
Ground Floor Barranco preliminary 2
Early copy of the Ground Floor Barranco plans.
Ground Floor Personal
Plan for the ground floor of a personal residence.
Interior Elevations
Interior elevations, fireplace details, and alternate exterior elevation for a lake cottage at Smith Mountain Lake, VA.
Interior Elevations Orr
Interior elevations of the Orr residence.
Kitchen Barranco tentative
Tentative plans for the kitchen, pantry, family room, and utility room of the Barranco residence.
Lucas Drive Elevation Orr
Elevation of the Orr residence from Lucas Drive.
Main and Upper Level Plan Personal
Plans for the main and upper levels of a personal residence.
Main Floor Barranco
Main floor plan for the Barranco residence.
Main Floor Barranco preliminary 1
Early copy of the Main Floor plans for the Barranco residence.
Main Floor Barranco preliminary 2
Early copy of the Main Floor plans for the Barranco residence.
Main Floor Plan Barranco tentative
Tentative plan for the main floor of the Barranco residence.
Master Suite Barranco tentative
Tentative plans for the master suite of the Barranco residence.
Northeast Elevation Barranco
Front and northeastern elevations of the Barranco residence.
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