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Creator is exactly "Huff, Samuel, Montgomery County, Va.
Hylton, Barbara Ellen Huff, 1828-1911
Hylton, Lorenzo Dow, 1830-1864"
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Promissory Note, Thomas Goodson, October 23, 1803 (Ms1998-001)
Goodson asks Samuel Huff to pay George Helton two pounds and five shillings for him.
Promissory Note, Samuel Huff to James Goad, October 8, 1804 (Ms1998-001)
Samuel Huff says that he will pay James Goad $10.00.
Promissory Note, Bird Smith to Samuel Huff, February 4, 1805 (Ms1998-001)
Bird Smith says that he will give Samuel Huff 30 acres of land.
Letter, John Weddle to Samuel Huff, August 1806 (Ms1998-001)
Weddle informs Samuel Huff of his welfare after his trip and what he saw while he traveled.
Promissory Note, James Keef to William Byron, September 23, 1806 (Ms1998-001)
Keef promises 8 dollars to be paid on or before November 1, 1806.
Indenture, Bird Smith to William Thompson, March 3, 1807 (Ms1998-001)
Indenture between Bird Smith and William Thompson, for land on the west fork of Little River in Montgomery County, VA.
Promissory Note, Sam Huff to John Snyder, January 12, 1808 (Ms1998-001)
Huff promises to pay John Snyder one pound and nine pence.
Promissory Note, James Brawhey to Samuel Huff, February 23, 1812 (Ms1998-001)
Promises 4 dollars, 4 shillings and two sixpences.
Fine, Samuel Huff, November 12, 1812 (Ms1998-001)
Fine of 1 dollar and 50 cents to Samuel Huff for delinquency at Battalion and Augt. Musters
Loan Account, Samuel Huff, July 31, 1816 (Ms1998-001)
Montgomery County loan account in the name of Samuel Huff
Receipt, L. D. Hylton to George W. Slusher, January 8, 1858 (Ms1998-001)
Receipt for work done by George W. Slusher
Letter, Barbara Hylton to Lorenzo Hylton, Floyd Co., VA., April 24, 1862 (Ms1998-001)
Hylton tells her husband about the birth of her daughter and about the family helping to get the corn in.
Letter, L. D. Hylton to [Barbara Hylton], Salt Vill Washington Co., VA., May 10, 1862 (Ms1998-001)
Hylton talks about traveling from Abingdon, VA to Saltville, VA and about where they are going next.
Letter, Lorenzo Hylton to Barbara Hylton, Bath Co., KY., October 18, 1862 (Ms1998-001)
Hylton tells his wife that he is going to start marching from Kentucky to Virginia soon. He also instructs her to sell the cows at home.
Letter, Lorenzo Hylton to Barbara Hylton, Dinwiddie, CO., VA., December 28, 1862 (Ms1998-001)
Near Petersburg, Hylton tells his wife about the camp and getting his picture taken to send to her.
Letter, Lorenzo D. Hylton to Bruwell Hylton, February 1, 1863 (Ms1998-001)
Lorenzo Hylton tells Burwell Hylton to tell his wife that he has sent a picture to her and to look for it at Uncle Bryant's.
Letter, L. D. Hylton to B. E. Hylton, Camp on Black Water, VA., March 12, 1863 (Ms1998-001)
Hylton talks about his marching orders and war news.
Letter, L. D. Hylton to B. E. Hylton, Marrieta, GA., January 20, 1864 (Ms1998-001)
Hylton updates his wife on his recovery since his injury.
Letter, Samuel Slusher to Barbara E. Hylton, Camp near Dalton, GA., February 15, 1864 (Ms1998-001)
Slusher informs Barbara Hylton of the death of her husband, Lorenzo.
Confederate Bond, February 17, 1864 (Ms1998-001)
Five dollar confederate bond.
Letter, Isa Hylton to Barbara Hylton, Dalton, GA., February 18, 1864 (Ms1998-001)
Isa Hylton writes to Barbara regarding Lorenzo Hylton's death.
Letter, James H. Guthrie, February 1864 (Ms1998-001)
Note telling the recipient that they will be receiving a lock of hair.
Letter, Leliann Hubbard to Barbara E. Hyton, July 8, 1864 (Ms1998-001)
Hubbard tells her sister that they've both lost their companions and talks about moving on with the children.
Letter, Martha Huff to E. Hylton, Putnam Co., IN., July 21, 1864 (Ms1998-001)
Huff tells her sister that misfortune has made her move to another place in Putnam County.
Promissory Note, Barbara E. Hylton to Riley H. Hylton, October 7, 1865 (Ms1998-001)
Promissory note marking the payment of eight dollars and 90 cents to Riley Hylton.
Letter, Martha Huff to Barbara E. Hylton, Hundrix Co., IN., August 8, 1866 (Ms1998-001)
Huff tells her sister about her family's health.
Letter, Martha Huff to Barbra Hylton and Mother Huff, Hundrix County, IN, October 24, 1866 (Ms1998-001)
Huff tells her sister about her family's health and a funeral.
Letter, Martha Huff to Barbara E. Hylton, Putnam Co., IN., April 11, 1875 (Ms1998-001)
Huff asks her sister for news of her health and tells her about a baby who died recently after falling ill. *on back of letter - another letter from Martha Huff to James Huff inviting him to come stay in Indiana.
Assignment of real estate, James Dillion to Barbara Dillion, Patrick County, VA.,
Assignment of real estate in Patrick County, VA., of James Dillion to his widow, Barbara Dillion.
Letter, Barbara Soscha to Mr. Robert Howell, Marietta, GA., June 12, 1975 (Ms1998-001)
Letter regarding Lorenzo D. Hylton's gravesite in Marietta, Georgia. Certificate of Hylton's war record.
Notices, Samuel Huff, 1803, 1813, 1814 (Ms1998-001)
Notices of payment due from Samuel Huff of the first Battalion of the 75th Virginia Militia, fined for delinquency for failing to attend muster.
Needlepoint, Barbara Hylton (Ms1998-001)
"United forever" stitched with two hearts with an arrow through them.
Poem, Barbara Hylton (Ms1998-001)
Hylton writes a poem to her husband, Lorenzo, about receiving the picture that he sent.
Envelope, S.P. Weddle to Barbara Hylton (Ms1998-001)
Addressed to Mrs. Barbara Hylton of Floyd Co., VA.
Letter, L. D. Hylton to S. Weddle, n.d. (Ms1998-001)
Hylton talks about what he heard about the battle at Richmond.
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