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Creator is exactly "Nelson family"
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Chemist Notice, Roberts and Co., Paris, n.d.
Ledger pages, Hugh M. Nelson, n.d.
Envelope (empty), To Hugh M Nelson, n.d.
Envelope (empty), "Copy of Commission Gen. Thomas Nelson by General Washington," n.d.
Maps of Cologne, Germany, c. 1842
August (no date), Letter to Mollie from Wash (married), Aunt Adelaide
February 19, 1872, Letter to Mrs. G.W. Nelson (Mollie) from her mother, S.P. Scollay
January 29, 1872, Letter to Mollie from Mother, S.P. Scollay, in Middleway W. VA
January 29, 1872, Letter to Mollie from Mother, S.P. Scollay, in Middleway W. VA at Smithfield, Mollie has Daughter Page and siste Lizzie.
January 5, 1872, Letter to Mollie from Mother
December 8, 1871, Letter to Mrs. G.W. Nelson (Mollie) from her mother, S.P. Scollay
Letter to Mollie from Wash Nelson's Mother
April 9, 1866, Letter to Cousin, from Charles (C.A.W.) (C.A. Welch), Boston
March 18, 1866, Letter from C.A. Welch to Cousin (Mrs. Hugh Nelson)
February 6, 1866, Letter from C.A. Welch to Cousin (Mrs. Hugh Nelson)
October 4, 1865, Letter from C.A. Welch to Cousin (Mrs. Hugh Nelson)
September 25, 1865, Letter to Capt. G.W. Nelson in Gettysburg, PA, from Mollie
September 4, 1865, Letter to Mollie in Middleway, Jefferson County, VA, from Wash in Mont Air
July 12, 1865, Letter to G.W. Nelson in Beaver Dam Depot, Hanover County, VA, from Mollie
July 11, 1865, Letter to Cousin, from Charles (C.A.W.) (C.A. Welch), Boston
June 3, 1865, Letter to Capt. G.W. Nelson (P.O.W.) Division 38, Ft. Delaware, DE
May 27, 1865, Letter to Mollie, from Wash, Ft. Delaware
May 27, 1865, Letter to Wash from Mollie
May 21, 1865, Letter to Capt. G.W. Nelson (P.O.W) Ft. Delaware, DE. from Mollie
May 14, 1865, Letter to Mollie, from Wash, in Ft. Delaware
May 10, 1865, Letter to Mollie, from Wash in Ft. Delaware
May 4, 1865, Letter to Mollie, From Wash, Ft. Delaware
May 3, 1865, Letter to Mollie, from Wash, Ft. Delaware
April 28, 1865, Letter to Capt. G.W. Nelson (P.O.W.), from Mollie
Two letters in one Envelope, April 28, 1865 and April 23, 1865
April 23, 1865, Letter to Capt. G.W. Nelson (P.O.W.), from Mollie
Two letters in one Envelope, April 28, 1865 and April 23, 1865
April 15, 1865, Letter to Mollie from Wash in Ft. Delaware
April 15, 1865, Letter to Capt. G.W. Nelson (P.O.W.) Div. 34- Ft. Delaware, DE
April 12, 1865, Letter to Mollie, from Wash Nelson in Ft. Delaware
April 9, 1865, Letter to Capt. G.W. Nelson (P.O.W.) Ft. Delaware, DE
April 9, 1865, Letter to Capt. G.W. Nelson (P.O.W.) Ft. Delaware, DE, (Pressed Flowers inside Envelope)
April 6, 1865, Letter to Mollie, from Wash in Ft. Delaware
April 4, 1865, Letter to Capt. G.W. Nelson (P.O.W.), Ft. Delaware, DE, from Mollie
April 2, 1865, Letter to Mollie, from Wash in Ft. Delaware
March 24, 1865, Letter to Capt. G. W. Nelson (P.O.W.), Ft. Delaware, DE, from Mollie
March 21, 1865, Letter to Capt. G.W. Nelson (P.O.W.) Ft. Delaware, DE, from Mollie
March 31, 1865, To Mollie from Wash in Fort Delaware
March 13, 1865, Letter to Mollie, from Wash Nelson, Fort Delaware
October 31, 1864, Letter to Mollie, from Wash Nelson, Ft. Pulaski
July 11, 1864, Letter to Mollie, from Wash in Fort Delaware
Letters to Mollie from Anne and Haley Curtis, Wilson's Creek
June 28, 1864, Letter to Mollie, from Wash in Fort Delaware, and Another letter to "My Dear Friend," from Haley Curtis, no date
June 28, 1864, Letter to Mollie, from Wash in Fort Delaware, (Envelope Contains a small note- [To Mollie from Dune-requests a book] and Another letter to "My Dear Friend," from Haley Curtis-no date)
June 26, 1864, Letter to Capt. G.W. Nelson (P.O.W.), Point Lookout, MD, From M
June 22, 1864, Letter to Capt. G.W. Nelson (P.O.W.) Point Lookout, MD
June 22, 1864, Letter to Capt. G.W. Nelson (P.O.W.) Point Lookout, MD
June 17, 1864, Letter to Capt. G.W. Nelson (P.O.W.) Point Lookout, MD
June 14, 1864, Letter to Mollie from Wash, Hammund General Hospital, Point Lookout
June 14, 1864, Letter to Mollie from Wash, Hammund General Hospital, Point Lookout
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