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Creator is exactly "No creator given"
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Altavista Station and the Royal Scot passing by
Altavista Station and the Royal Scot passing by
Baggage Car
Baggage Car
Building in the Snow, Roanoke, Virginia
Building in the Snow, Roanoke, Virginia
Models In Bedroom Of New Pullman Car
Models In Bedroom Of New Pullman Car
N & W Precision Transportation advertisement
N & W Precision Transportation advertisement
"A Century of Service" advertisement poster (1838-1938)
"A Century of Service" advertisement poster (1838-1938)
"A Likely Spot" - Advertisement
"A Likely Spot" - Advertisement
"A Natural" advertisement
"A Natural" advertisement
"A Summer Portrait" Traffic World Advertisement
"A Summer Portrait" Traffic World Advertisement
"Are you using the right fuel"
"Are you using the right fuel"
"Balance" Traffic World Advertisement
"Balance" Traffic World Advertisement
"Dog Days" Traffic World Advertisement
"Dog Days" Traffic World Advertisement
"Follow the Flag - WABASH" advertisemtnt
"Follow the Flag - WABASH" advertisemtnt
"He blanketed the swamp" advertisement
"He blanketed the swamp" advertisement
"I know my Dad will be home on the 7:15 Train."
"I know my Dad will be home on the 7:15 Train."
"In Step with National Defense" Advertisement
"In Step with National Defense" Advertisement
"In this Winter's Blitz" advertisement
"In this Winter's Blitz" advertisement
"Lets Keep Christ In Christmas" - Advertisement
"Lets Keep Christ In Christmas" - Advertisement
"National Defense" Slogan
"National Defense" Slogan
"National Defense" Slogan
"National Defense" Slogan
"Norfolk and Western Railway Precision Transportation" Sign
"Norfolk and Western Railway Precision Transportation" Sign
"Our Bid for Your Business" Slogan
"Our Bid for Your Business" Slogan
"Picking Grapes" - Illustration for Hotel Roanoke Wine List
"Picking Grapes" - Illustration for Hotel Roanoke Wine List
"Plowing Back" advertisement
"Plowing Back" advertisement
"Rails to Victory" Advertisement
"Rails to Victory" Advertisement
"Serving the Nation at War" Advertisement
"Serving the Nation at War" Advertisement
"Serving the Nation at War" Slogan
"Serving the Nation at War" Slogan
"Serving the Nation at War" Slogan
"Serving the Nation at War" Slogan
"Sincerity" Traffic World Advertisement
"Sincerity" Traffic World Advertisement
"The 80,000 Eyes of Shik Huong Ti" for Advertisements
"The 80,000 Eyes of Shik Huong Ti" for Advertisements
"The Amazon" steam engine
"The Amazon" steam engine
"The Nomad" Traffic World Advertisement
"The Nomad" Traffic World Advertisement
"The Point" - Traffic World Advertisement
"The Point" - Traffic World Advertisement
"The Service Route between the North and South" Slogan
"The Service Route between the North and South" Slogan
"There is power in precision transportation," N&W advertisement
"There is power in precision transportation," N&W advertisement
"Vetinary Class" at VAMC
A photograph taken of a group of ten people in a vetinary class.
"Victory and...-" Advertisement
"Victory and...-" Advertisement
"Victory" Slogan
"Victory" Slogan
"Would You Believe It?"-N&W Advertisement
"Would You Believe It?"-N&W Advertisement
"You've been drinking," advertisement
"You've been drinking," advertisement
[Power station]
no information
#86 with Auto Racks
#86 with Auto Racks
#86 with Auto Racks - Pepper Bridge
#86 with Auto Racks - Pepper Bridge
#87 locomotive of AM&ORR
#87 locomotive of AM&ORR
Photographs taken of the "Paints Town" statue.
100 Inch Lima Hamilton hydrolic baring machine, Roanoke Shops
100 Inch Lima Hamilton hydrolic baring machine, Roanoke Shops
12 ft. Climax Cultivator for tractor work
Primarily used on large farms in Canadian Northwest
15000 Gallon Tender
15000 Gallon Tender
1776 St. Paul Church, Norfolk, Virginia
1776 St. Paul Church, Norfolk, Virginia
18,000 Gallon Tender
18,000 Gallon Tender
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