Letter to Mark Weber from Ann Goette thanking him and the AIDS Education Committee for her honorarium she received for writng "Matthew" and reading her work at the conference.
A letter to Mark Weber from James Devaty describing the look and printer options for Lambda Horizon's letterhead. An example letterhead is inculded with the letter.
Invitation to a Pomp and Circumstance Ball on February 28, 1986 hosted by Lambda Horizon, as well as an invitation to the AIDS Education Forum and reception held on March 1, 1986.
Letter to lambda Horizon Officers and Members from Senior Sociology major Victoria L. Smith asking for the groups help and advice with her seminar project about the stigmatization of subcultures and minority groups.
Letter from the Squires Student Center Program Director, Mary L Thoreen, and the Squires Ticket Office manager Sue Vinson, to Lambda Horizon President mark Weber notifying the group of a policy change for student groups who wish to purchase blocks…
Letter from Robert Riddle, President of the Gay Student Alliance at Virginia Commonwealth University, regarding a conference in preparation for a statewide Gay Awareness Week to be held on several college campuses. Meeting notes from the conference…
Letter from Robert Riddle, President of the Gay Student Alliance at Virginia Commonwealth University, to attendees of the Planning Conference for Gay Awareness Week 1985. Letter includes a schedule of events and a map of the VCU campus.
A letter from Lambda Horizon President Mark Weber to Raft, the Sociology Department, the Psychology Department, the Family and Childe Development Center, the University Counseling Center, and Student Health Services inviting them to attend a talk on…
Letter from Paul M. Gherman, Director of Libraries, to Lambda Horizon requesting a group representative to contact him to discuss "a matter of concern."
Letter to the Editor-in-Chief of the Collegiate Times from Mark Weber asking him to consider writing a story on Virginia Tech's Student Health Services and Lambda Horizons involvement in the American College Helath Association's national conference.
Letter to the Political Science faculty at Virginia Tech inviting them to attend U.S. Congressman Barney Frank's lecture at Lambda Horizon's Gay Awareness Week. A flyer and Lambda Horizon group information is attached to the letter.
Letter to the local news media from Mark weber, President of Lambda Horizon, detailing the agenda for Gay Awareness Week. A flyer and Lambda Horizon information is included with the letter.
Letter from Edward Spencer, Virginia tech's Director of Housing and Residence Life, to Dr. Sullivan, Dr. Cross, the AIDS Education Committee, and Administrative Staff concerning Housing Policies Related to AIDS. Attached is the American College…
Correspondence from Dr. Richard P. Keeling, UVA's Director of Student Health, to Mark Weber congratulating him for his recent proposal for the creation of a Gay Student Concerns staff position at Virginia Tech.