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Zells Mill Ruins.
Flowing stream next to a dirt road. Location of old Zells' Mill
YMCA Building
YMCA Building
Yellow Sulphur Springs Resort
Main building of the Yellow Sulphur Spings Resort in 1934
Yellow Sulfur Springs
Blurry photo of a women posing infont of the Yellow Sulfur Springs Hotel
Yancy and Bertha LaFon. Cabin. Built in 1940.
Small one-story paneled cabin next to a lake. owned by Yancy & Bertha LaFon, built in 1940
Y.M.C.A. in 1905
Y.M.C.A. in 1905
Y.M.C.A. Flyer
Y.M.C.A. Flyer
Y.M.C.A. Building
Y.M.C.A. Building
Wrestling Team at VPI
Wrestling Team at VPI
Wrestling at VPI
Wrestling at VPI
Wrestling at VPI
Wrestling at VPI
Wrestling at VPI
Wrestling at VPI
Wrestling at VPI
Left to right: R. W. "Buster" Jones, Class of 1934 and C. J. Broyles, Class of 1935
Wrestling at VPI
Wrestling at VPI
WPA Sidewalk (2)
Side walk running along the side of Newport Highschool
WPA Sidewalk (1)
Sidewalk located next to a grassy yard and a street
WPA Retaining Wall. Built in 1933.
Water retaining wall for WPA, built in 1933
WPA Newport High School. Built in 1933. Side View
Outside of brick WPA Newport High School building, built in 1933
WPA Newport High School. Built in 1933.
Outside of brick WPA Newport High School building, built in 1933
WPA Newport Agriculture Building. Built in 1936
Blank back of a photograph
World War I Memorial and Quadrangle Cannon
World War I Memorial and Quadrangle Cannon
Workers in a workshop
Workers in a workshop
Work at the infimary, Virginia Tech
Work at the infimary, Virginia Tech
Woodworking Shop in the Science Hall Basement
Woodworking Shop in the Science Hall Basement
Wood Working Shop
Wood Working Shop
Winter Scene
Winter Scene
Winter Dance at Virginia Tech
Winter Dance at Virginia Tech
Window Washing
Window Washing
Wilson Cromer. House. Built in 1936.
Wilson Cromer: Picture taken from the road of an one-story house with a porch. Owned by Wilson Cromer. Built in 1936.
Wilson Cromer. House. Built in 1896.
Wilson Cromer: One-story wood house with a porch. Owned by Wilson Cromer. Built in 1896.
Willie Williams. House. Shirley Price. Built in 1896.
Willie Williams: Two-story white house with a porch. Built in 1896.
Willie Williams Farmstead. Shirley Price. Built in 1896.
Willie Williams: Picture taken from the road of the farmstead. Built in 1896.
Williams Store Outhouses. Ira and Kathleen Williams. 1946
Williams Store Outhouses: a small brick shed. Owned by Ira & Kathleen Williams, built in 1946
Williams Garage. Billy and Clarice Williams. Built in 1950.
Williams Garage: One story stone garage shop. Owned by Billy & Claruce Williams, built in 1950
William Long. House. Built in 1978.
William Long: One-story white house. Owned by William Long. Built in 1978.
William Long. House. Built in 1978.
William Long:Two-story modern brick house. Owned by William Long. Built in 1978.
William Long. Homeplace. Built in 1866.
William Long: Picture taken from a field of a two-story house. Owned by William Long. Built in 1866.
William Franklin Cox
William Franklin Cox, Tackle and Captain.
William Frank Henderson, M.D.
Photograph of William Frank Henderson, M.D.
William Cooler. House. Built in 1955.
William Cooler: Picture taken from a distance in a field. Owned by William Cooler. Built in 1955.
William Choice, Jr., and Christie Jean Baptiste DeCamps
William Choice, Jr. - Guard; Christie Jean Baptiste DeCamps - Quarterback
William Buchanan Conway, M.D.
Photograph of William Buchanan Conway, M.D., first college physician.
Willams Cemetery
Piture taken of the Williams Cemtery.
Will Songer, (back house); David and Irene Smith (front house).
A long shot of two homes, Will Songers in the backL one story white house. David & Irene Smith in the front: one story brick house
Will Lafon House. Nancy Sibold. Built in 1855. (2)
Will Lafon House: One story white house with a wood roof. Owned by Nancy Sibold, built in 1855
Will Lafon House. Nancy Sibold. Built in 1855. (1)
Will Lafon House: Two-story wood cabin with a front porch right next to a river (could be a flood). Owned by Nancy Sibold, built in 1855
Wilford Downy. House. Tony Willliams. Built in 1860.
Wilford Downy House: Two-story singled house with a front balcony. Owned by Tony Williams, built in 1860
White Sulphur Springs
White Sulphur Springs
White Sulphur Springs
White Sulphur Springs
Whisner Memorial Methodist Church
Outside view of Whisner Memorial Methodist Church in Blacksbuirg, VA
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