Browse Items (4 total)

  • Location is exactly "Fries, Va."

An oral history interview with Christine "Chris" Beamer Cooper, a Fries native who grew up in the Hollow, a small neighborhood within Fries. After moving to Galax in the 1960s, she worked for the Roses department store for forty years and settled in…

Craig Wood is a former CPA who grew up in Fries, Va., but moved away for college and a career. Upon retirement, he moved into his parents' former house with his wife. While growing up, he worked in the mill over the summer in the cloth and spinning…

An oral history interview with Dennis Hines, who, despite descending from generations of textile mill workers, never worked in the mill. In this interview, Dennis talks about his family's history with the town, growing up in Fries, and what happened…

An oral history interview with Roger Hines, a former worker in the Fries textile mill. He began working in the card room in the 1970s, and worked intermittently in the slash room, as a spare hand, and on the interdraft. In this interview, Roger…
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