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  • Location is exactly "Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA. "

Frank Nolen.jpeg
Frank Nolen grew up in Macon County, North Carolina, raised with school in mind. In high school, he decided to attend North Carolina State College, but dropped out after encountering college chemistry. He transferred to Gaston Technical Institute, a…

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Lorraine Feury was born and raised as a first generation immigrant in Northern Virginia. Her parents lived in Sierra Leone before moving to England for college. Although they did not finish, they moved to America and raised Lorraine to value family…

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April Cheek-Messier arrived at Virginia Tech for her master's degree in history in 1996. Prior to coming to Blacksburg, she attended undergraduate school at Hollins, and got a master's degree in both history and English. In the master's program at…

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Matt Fox grew up in Manassas, Virginia surrounded by the rich history of the area. As the youngest of three, Matt was the first in his family to attend college, where he chose Virginia Tech partially because of his mother. While at Virginia Tech he…

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Thomas "Tom" Hughes, born in 1957, grew up in Durham, North Carolina. Early into his high school career, he decided to pursue architecture in higher education. While there were many programs in both Virginia and North Carolina, Tom saw Virginia…
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