Browse Items (17 total)

  • Date is exactly "c. 1918"

Photo, "Keeping warm," used in the 1919 calendar.

A collection of six photos used in the 1919 calendar.

Photo, "As we used to end the year," used in the 1919 calendar.

Photo, "The campus beautiful," used in the 1919 calendar.

Photo, "A shady walk," used in the 1919 calendar.

Photo, "This campus beautiful," used in the 1919 calendar.

Photo, "What we want once more," used in the 1919 calendar.

Photo, "What we want once more," used in the 1919 calendar.

Photo, "The squad in action," used in the 1919 calendar.

Photo, "Football Squad-lost not a single game," used in the 1919 calendar.

Photo, "Our Baby Brook," used in the 1919 calendar.

Photo, "Our Shops," used in the 1919 calendar.

Photo, "Life at Plattsburg," used in the 1919 calendar.

Photo, "Life at Plattsburg," used in the 1919 calendar.

Photo, "Life at Plattsburg," used in the 1919 calendar.

Photo, "Target Practice" used in the April 1919 calendar.

Photo, "Life at Plattsburg," used in the 1919 calendar.
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