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Date is exactly "1897"
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Photograph, Creamery and Cheese Factory, 1897
This photo depicts the creamery and cheese factory on campus in 1897. The building was located close to where Price Hall is today.
Will of A. J. Davis (1897)
A will written by A. J. Davis in 1897, when he was living in OH.
The 1897 Bugle
Train Wreck in Dublin, 1897
Two men sit on the wreckage of a train derailing in Dublin, VA
Making Cider in Dublin in 1897
Six men making apple cider in a homes back yard
Dr. Wilson Cushing
Dr. Wilson Cushing sits in a horse drawn carriage outside of someones residence before he makesa house call.
Dublin Housewife stirs apple butter in 1897
Woman in her backyard stirring apple butter in a kettle over a wodden fire.
VPI Baseball Team, 1897
VPI Baseball Team, 1897
View of Campus - 1897
Photograph of Virginia Tech's campus in 1897.
"Columbus" George Hildt King
"Columbus" George Hildt King
Joseph Glenwood Pelter ("Jumbo")
Joseph Glenwood Pelter ("Jumbo")plays Little Bo Peep during a production called "Mrs. Jarley's Wax Works" to benefit the Athletic Association.
Hollins Institute
Hollins Institute
Blacksburg 1897 from the tower of the old shops
Blacksburg 1897 from the tower of the old shops.
Commandant Shanks and Cadet Commissioned Officers
Commandant Shanks and Cadet Commissioned Officers
Roanoke Machine Shops, Virginia
Roanoke Machine Shops, Virginia
Machine Works Band, Roanoke, Virginia
Machine Works Band, Roanoke, Virginia
Roundhouse at Radford, Virginia
Roundhouse at Radford, Virginia
Main Street and Railroad Yards at Radford
Main Street and Railroad Yards at Radford
Round House At Radford, Virginia
Round House At Radford, Virginia
Rosanna Croy Dawson on Tilda Gray
Dawson on Tilda Gray in her 1890 diary.
Household Economics, a Course of Lectures in the School of Economics of the University of Wisconsin
286 pages
A Handbook of Invalid Cooking, for the Use of Nurses in Training-schools, Nurses in Private Practice, and Others Who Care for the Sick
323 pages
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