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  • Date is exactly "1920/1930"

C.M. Kincaid Collection

C.M. Kincaid Collection

C.M. Kincaid Collection

C.M. Kincaid Collection

Photograph of the home of a tenant farmer known as Aaron working a piece of land on the John T. Lewis, Jr., estate in Clarksville, Virginia. Taken around 1930.

This photograph depicts the tenant house of a tenant farmer known as Aaron working a piece of land on the John T. Lewis, Jr., estate in Clarksville, Virginia. Taken around 1930.

This photograph depicts the house of a tenant farmer known as Aaron working a piece of land on the John T. Lewis, Jr., estate in Clarksville, Virginia. Taken around 1930.

A photograph of a tenant farmer known as Aaron working a piece of land on the John T. Lewis, Jr., estate in Clarksville, Virginia. Taken around 1930.

This photograph shows a tenant farmer known as Aaron and two other unidentified people on the front porch of a tenant house on the John T. Lewis, Jr., estate in Clarksville, Virginia. Taken around 1930.

A photograph of a tenant farmer known as Aaron with a horse. Taken around 1930, while Aaron was working a piece of land on the John T. Lewis, Jr., estate in Clarksville, Virginia.
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