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Date is exactly "1931-06"
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Clinchfield Coal Corporation in Cranes Nest, Virginia
Clinchfield Coal Corporation in Cranes Nest, Virginia
Mr. H.K. Hawbaker, Hagerstown, Maryland
Mr. H.K. Hawbaker, Hagerstown, Maryland
Twin Tipple, Thacker Coal and Coke Company, Thacker, West Virginia
Twin Tipple, Thacker Coal and Coke Company, Thacker, West Virginia
Crystal Block Mining Company, Gates Mine, Sprigg, West Virginia
Crystal Block Mining Company, Gates Mine, Sprigg, West Virginia
Portsmouth By Product Coke Company, Edgarton, West Virginia
Portsmouth By Product Coke Company, Edgarton, West Virginia
Recreation Building, Portsmouth By Product Coke Company, Edgarton, West Virginia
Recreation Building, Portsmouth By Product Coke Company, Edgarton, West Virginia
William Ann. Coal Company, Delbarton, West Virginia, tipple
William Ann. Coal Company, Delbarton, West Virginia, tipple
Puritan Coal Corporation, Delbarton, West Virginia Tipple and Incline
Puritan Coal Corporation, Delbarton, West Virginia Tipple and Incline
Coal cars, Landstreet Downey Coal Company, Delbarton, West Virginia
Coal cars, Landstreet Downey Coal Company, Delbarton, West Virginia
Storage of Coal at Sycamore Coal Company, West Virginia
Storage of Coal at Sycamore Coal Company, West Virginia
Oiffice and Commisary Building, Sycamore Coal Company, Cinderella, West Virginia
Oiffice and Commisary Building, Sycamore Coal Company, Cinderella, West Virginia
Borderland Coal Company, Borderland, West VirginiaCoal Mining,
Borderland Coal Company, Borderland, West VirginiaCoal Mining,
Banner Fuel Company, Toms Creek, Virginia
Banner Fuel Company, Toms Creek, Virginia
Kelly Coal Corporation, Tacoma, Virgina
Kelly Coal Corporation, Tacoma, Virgina
Kennedy Coal Company, Swords Creek, Virginia
Kennedy Coal Company, Swords Creek, Virginia
Premier Red Ash Coal Company tipple, Raven, Virginia
Premier Red Ash Coal Company tipple, Raven, Virginia
Hawthorne Coal Corporation, Ramsey, Virginia tipple
Hawthorne Coal Corporation, Ramsey, Virginia tipple
Norton Coal Company coal mining
Norton Coal Company coal mining
Norton Coal Company tipple
Norton Coal Company tipple
Jewell Ridge Coal Company, Jewell Ridge, Virginia
Jewell Ridge Coal Company, Jewell Ridge, Virginia
Post Office and Club House
Post Office and Club House
Red Jacket Consolidated Coke and Coal Companyat Red Jacket, West Virginia: company houses
Red Jacket Consolidated Coke and Coal Companyat Red Jacket, West Virginia: company houses
Mitchell Branch "B" Mine Yard at Red Jacket, West Virginia
Mitchell Branch "B" Mine Yard at Red Jacket, West Virginia
Red Jacket Consolidated Coal and Coke Company, Red Jacket, West Virginia, clubhouse
Red Jacket Consolidated Coal and Coke Company, Red Jacket, West Virginia, clubhouse
Club House, Red Jacket Consolidated Coal and Coke Company, Red Jacket, West Virginia
Club House, Red Jacket Consolidated Coal and Coke Company, Red Jacket, West Virginia
School Building in Red Jacket, West Virginia
School Building in Red Jacket, West Virginia
Red Jacket Consolidated Coal and Coke Company, Red Jacket, West Virginia
Red Jacket Consolidated Coal and Coke Company, Red Jacket, West Virginia
Red Jacket Consolidated Coal and Coke Company, Red Jacket, West Virginia
Red Jacket Consolidated Coal and Coke Company, Red Jacket, West Virginia
Crystal Block, Matewan, West Virginia tipple
Crystal Block, Matewan, West Virginia tipple
Machine Shop and Power House, Fordson Coal Company, Stone, Kentucky
Machine Shop and Power House, Fordson Coal Company, Stone, Kentucky
Sycamore Coal Company in Cinderella, West Virginia
Sycamore Coal Company in Cinderella, West Virginia
Majestic Colliery Company, Majestic, Kentucky
Majestic Colliery Company, Majestic, Kentucky
Ravan Red Ash Coal Company, Ravan, Virginia
Ravan Red Ash Coal Company, Ravan, Virginia
Dwellings & School Building, Majestic, Ky
Street view of Majestic Colliery Co. school building & dwelling. Dwelling is a 2 story hpme & school building is a 2 story brick building
Class Y-5 Engine 2102, Interior
Class Y-5 Engine 2102, Interior
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