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  • Date is exactly "1944"

The "277 Standard/100 Tropical Recipes" is a 1944 revised edition and includes cocktail recipes in two sections. This edition built on the first version, copyright in 1937. Pages are carbon type copies of recipes, arranged in alphabetical order…

This newsletter descibes several different programs that the aeronautics department was offering in Aircraft Mechanics.

This newspaper clipping shows a photograph of the Virginia Tech Board of Vistors. R. L. McConnell, C. A. Boatwright, H. H. Walton, and Dr. M. P. Smith, who were the first women to join the Board of Visitors are pictured.

Blacksburgs Bicentennial Notes on Blacksburg.pdf
Short article by Goodridge Wilson from the Roanoke Times, describing some of Blacksburg's early history.

Virginia Techs 125th Anniversary Talk To High School Students In 1944 Tells Bla.pdf
Notes for a talk given by Miss Mary Apperson at Blacksburg High School in 1944 as reprinted in the Montgomery News Messenger Bicentennial Edition, July 1, 1976.

Extension Service - U.S. Department of Agriculture

Department of Agricultural Engineering - V.P.I. Blacksburg

World War II Alumnus - BAAF Blytheville, Arkansas

World War II Alumnus

World War II Alumnus

How'll We Do It? - Drawing - Serving meals on Dining Car
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